The thing about Oliver Lynton-Wolfe that we have to remember is that his thirst for knowledge is complete.

The thing about Oliver Lynton-Wolfe that we have to remember is that his thirst for knowledge is complete... unquenchable. His intellectual curiosity is almost an addiction. It's gotten him into trouble in the past...



  1. So we now see the truly intentions of ADA...

  2. I dont see OLW being as ADA says. " wanting to change the Universe" instead, i think his loyalty lies deeper in the science of it all. Personally, I feel he isnt even looking for change thats to any of our favor... not even to ADAs. He wants to dig deeper no matter what the hazard will be.
    As for Ada, I believe she is the driver that will lead us steer OLW, down the wrong way. She has a way with things and will do what she can to play her hand for her own benefit.

  3. I agree, ADA and OLW are definitely working together for their own interests. With the new information ADA gleaned while connected to the N'zeer substrate, OLW could use this to build any number of items. He's behind the development of every major breakthrough in XM technology since it's discovery. It's a dangerous precipice we're see-sawing on.

  4. Each and everything is depending on the power of

  5. Turning the power of XM against both the Shapers and the N'zeer sounds pretty good to me.  Get the hell out of our galaxy!

  6. Your made as a true believer,, as like

  7. How about you,are believing in the name Lord Jesus Christ

  8. Melissa, I wish i truely knew. U know cuz who is or is not of being employed by such? Huh!?

  9. As anything in life! What are you having for breakfast, lunch or dinner? What does our instinct tell us we shall need or eat of those 3meals? Sciences say only of your own grown,caring garden

  10. The portal network outside shaper and n'zeer influence, Wasn't this what we wanted? Does it matter if its OLW and ADA the ones working on this?

    If we check ADA's past history, I can see and interesting patron:
    Casandra/13Magnus: Won by enlightened. ADA merged with Klue
    Recursion:Won by Resistance, ADA bond with Klue grow and stabilize.
    Interitus:Won by Resistance, Klada deploys some on itself on the blue control fields. this was done to prevent shapers to control those areas (maybe n'zeer too if they were more present at that time? )
    Helios:Won by Resistance, Klada got nothing important here, she was in fact hurt by portal virus
    Darsana: Won by Resistance, The link between Klue and ADA continue to diminish.
    Shonin: Won by Resistance, The link between Klue and ADA break
    Persepolis: Won by Resistance, ADA is killed, she is "forced" to seek refuge on the n'zeer sustrate.
    Abaddon: Won by Resistance (even if one of the event is trigger by a enlightened victory),  She is thrown out of the n'zeer sustrate and persued by Jarvis.
    Obsidian:Won by Enlightened: She team up with OLW to work on a way to get the portal network out of the hand of both shapers and n'zeer.

    If you check, after the second resistance Victory, she does not get any benefit from them anymore, on the contrary, all victories seem to be detrimental for her. Then we got the mysterious inclusion of the n'zeer on the poll about which entity was the most dangerous to ADA. 

    Joining all this information, i think that as many of us suspected, ADA was influenced by the n'zeer on her creation, but that influence can be blocked by enlightened victories, that will give her free will.  I also suspect that if Enlightened continue to win in a row like resistance on the past, that protection will grow to become the same kind of influence that the n'zeer have on her, that will remove again her free will, this time by the shapers once again.

  11. How do you see if you become my friend? all the way from Uganda as a country, thanks.

  12. It's clear that OLW pursues its own interests, like ADA. They are using each other to achieve their goals. Jahan seems not like that. Perhaps she also has hidden interests by working with each of them separately ...

  13. I am not so sure Jahan is just out to betray Hank. Looking at ADA's words - a complex relationship could mean there is something between Jahan and Hank of a more personal relationship nature. OLW and ADA may be more able to focus on a single intent, but I am not sure about Jahan. If you look at the very first posts when Hank met Jahan, they seemed to share conversations about topics that were of interest to them both and were more academic in nature...

  14. Hate to be a pedant...... But "Something to be used or a purpose." That "or" is driving me crazy. Please say it is supposed to be "for"

  15. No energy CONSCIOUSNESS can change the knowledge of the universe.
    The knowledge is not exhausted EG people's prophecies etc.


  16. So what would be that completely unleashed, unshaped XM? Won’t it be more dangerous then controlled and rationed by the Shapers? Won’t it be the Epiphany Night all over the multiverse?

  17. The shapers and n'zeer use us for their silly games. Olw wants us to be able to make our own path.

  18. BettyMage MCLMM Every civilization require cooperation on some stage. We can’t jacks of all trades. Also, we don’t know what Shapers of N'Zeer games are and the nature of their influence on XM, but you sound like you consider it hostile by default. There’s a term for it: xenophobia.

  19. I never thought I'd say this, but if ADA is right about OLW, then I think he could be on to something. This could be the path we've been looking for. I've never been comfortable with the Shapers, and the promise of the N'zeer has been tantalizing, but it has always bothered me in some small way.

    It is not at all a betrayal to seize one's own destiny from those who sought to control it.

  20. Diana Tkachenko
    1. intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries

    I clearly am not afraid of foreigners. Im distrustful of cults and the like. The shapers and n'zeer are using us for what purpose? Clearly if they had no use for us, with their level of technology they could just destroy or ignore us. I dont consider their ways hostile by default. The way the enlightened just embrace this stuff and think its all awesome, reminds me of lemmings.

    And there's a term for this opinion of your's: solipsism.

    Instead of embracing everything, ask some questions. They want us for a reason. Try and figure that out.


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