Obsidius, Cybella and Syphax: This traveling party spanned the globe as part of a journey to discover more about...

Obsidius, Cybella and Syphax: This traveling party spanned the globe as part of a journey to discover more about what we now know to be XM.  Now, in this most recent letter from Obsidius to his friend Marcus, it seems the group had began to fragment, with Syphax leaving in suspicious circumstances and having stolen the ancient Obsidan Glyph-marked arrowheads.



  1. Faced like Janus. Janus is usually depicted with two faces. Symbolizing beginning and end. War and Peace. Opposites. Since we know that Mt. Vesuvius blew we can assume that Cybella's visions were of an end.

  2. It could also symbolize the Shapers and N'zeer.

  3. Going with the beginning and end mention - we have also had mentions of cycles such as the Jörmungandr (ouroboros) and other cyclic references - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+YuriAlaricNagassa/posts/XXNnJcTUy8o

  4. Because it shields against both sources or because it is both shield and something else I wonder?

  5. it looks like Cybella is the one to fear.

  6. I think this would all be clearer with a better translation from the original Latin


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