New developments emerge about yesterday's 911 call.

New developments emerge about yesterday's 911 call... A leaked transcript reveals that the Acolyte's Compound was attacked by unknown forces -- and more importantly, that she lost something very important in the chaos: Oliver Lynton-Wolfe.



  1. Hmm, guess I was on the right track. I sure hope Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ is OK. I don't think anyone would want to kill him. But why take him by force when he's fairly easily bought with the right scientific resources? With this level of sophistication, I'm still thinking one of the three major XM companies has him. AntiMagnus aren't that well organized.. Are they?

  2. Woah. OLW gone and we have dead people :-/ Hopefully he is well.

    Someone who has access to armed forces has him - the XM companies could be behind this.

    Any words from ADA?

  3. I think the most Obvious answer would be Jahan. But i think this isnt the case this time. Whoever kidnapped OLW will need him alive.. at least for a time. How many people are actually not dependent on XM and dont need his skills? Besides, we know that OLW has a tendency to get himself into trouble.

  4. A reminder that OLW attacked Roland Jarvis with a Dark XM weapon, cutting him off from all but the most sensitive. I would accuse him of killing people on his way out of the compound...

  5. This sounds very similar to how Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ was first 'recruited' into the Niantic Project. I suspect one or more of the XM corporations to be involved here with perhaps Ni pulling the strings.

  6. Yik Sheng Lee as far as I understood Jahan had wanted to end the drought of XM. It would be a very unexpected turn of events for the next XM Anomaly

  7. So it was not 13Magnus i don't wonder, but sad news again Pac! Hope the good Doc will shown up again unharmed and in "one piece". Did you manage to contact A Detection Algorithm​, i think she could knew more about the vanishing of Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​? Let's hope the best and that our freelancing Doctor could finish his shaper glyph research also in captivity, we have to get rid of the shield.. #ReleaseTheDoc

  8. The target is A Detection Algorithm​. Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​​ was working with her. He's the link for Bowles and 855 to finish the job on her.

  9. Just gonna toss this out there... Has everyone forgot that Hank Johnson is former special ops... He also has no real love for the Resistance and Jahan or the Enlightened and Acolyte....

  10. True true Sarah Rosen​ but A Detection Algorithm​ is everywhere so it should be possible that someone get in touch with her and solve the unanswered questions.

  11. My money is on Dr. Lynton-Wolfe staging something with unknown allies to get out from under even nominal supervision.

  12. Lynton-Wolfe has never been a willing ENL supporter. Someone let him off his leash.

  13. Why is it that this type ofcshit never happens to Resistance NPCs?

  14. So, we know Oliver Lynton-Wolfe pressured the Acolyte into giving him access to A Detection Algorithm - what do people think of him having arranged his own extraction via a team of ADA-organized mercenaries?

  15. Mike Wissinger​​ I think it's pretty shitty..
    The ENL won control of him yet he does as he pleases and runs off with the resistance. Meanwhile, no res NPCs rebel against jahan and try to stick it to the N'Zeer.

  16. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect​​​ out of all the Resistance members, I' m surprised that Devra Bogdanovich​​​ has not spoken up about how XM output should not be fixed, and instead kept at 0. After all, wasn't it her idea to kill off all portals in the first place?

  17. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect No, quite wrong.  I want to hear the other voices that are out there who are eerily quiet on the subject of XM and the Obsidian shield.  I find it strange how certain individuals who are against the very notion of XM and portals are not even making their thoughts known.   As is, we are only hearing from those who have a vested interest in keeping the portal network alive.

  18. Mike Wissinger Highly possible.  He's tried to escape that compound before, why wouldn't he want to escape again.

  19. What the hell am I reading? Have I stumbled on a universe of gamers? If that is the case let me apologize to all involved.


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