It seems Jahan has learned some lessons from the events of Obsidian.

It seems Jahan has learned some lessons from the events of Obsidian. And now, as we begin to learn more about Aegis Nova, she has once again extended an olive branch to Hank Johnson. Destiny may or may not be driving them to work together, but Jahan's right about one thing: if Hank wants to help control what lies in the future, he will have to pick a side.



  1. Presumably Hank Johnson is skeptical about working about Jahan since she:

    - threatened to murder the family of his friend Azmati
    - Kidnapped him
    - Threatened to deliver the humanity to the N'zeer
    - Lied to him (repeatedly)
    - Managed to rob the Niantic researchers of their core humanity, a fate which Hank was all too familiar with. 
    - Tampered with the activation of the Obsidian shield despite all his and other people's warnings. 

    The list goes on, but I hope Hank Johnson remembers that she is responsible for many of the catastrophes of the last years. 

    For members of the Resistance: Remember when you loudly and frequently called for humanity to be free of XM's influence? Why are you supporting Jahan again? 

    Where are you principles?

  2. Strangely enough, i believe that Hank should work with Jahan on this. No one said the needs to be trust in the issue. But that doesn't stop one from uncovering the truth? Its obvious Jahan cant be trusted but whichever side shes on, what ever information she knows , is vital to both her and either faction. We all need XM. And on this, we all stand on a common ground.

  3. When Jahan knows so much why does she need Hank Johnson? This seems fishy to me - Hank should remember all the things she did (as Brandon Downey mentioned above).
    For Aegis Nova Jahan delivers an interesting Answer: Either. Both. So the Obsidian shield will be replaced with a tampered version of itself? 
    It would also be interesting what exactly is impure about the N'zeer and Shaper voices.

  4. She's learned much about the whisperers' motives? How did the shield facilitate that learning?

  5. So now Jahan “learned” something about another shield and eager to use it. While no one knows what it does exactly and how does it work.
    I don't fell good about letting Jahan anywhere near artifacts, and honestly, even though I’m an Enlightened agent, I think the same goes for Acolyte.
    About motives. Blocking out XM seems to be more in the N’Zeer interest, Shapers’ goal is to make us help them through the XM.
    I think Hank and others should concentrate on studying the nature of Aegis Nova. Not letting our leaders into it before some solid results.

  6. It seen that Jahan is willing to say anything to get people in her side. It's not only that she like to mess with Hank Johnson​​​, she did the same with ADA not long ago. I would not have any kind of trust on her.
    Another thing we have not been cleared on is why did ADA though that she only wanted the n'zeer power for her own purposes.

    Also, another interesting thing is the confirmation from Jahan that she would have raised the shield too if resistance would have got her enough XM, as we suspected

  7. Thinking in the goals of the Resistance, it's good that the drought of XMS continue. as recalled Brandon Downey  there was a time in which the Resistance did not want the XM affect humanity. Perhaps now resistance need XMS more than they would like and start to be influenced by XM. If Jahan deployed the shield, it's good for the Resistance because it limits access to XM for the Shapers and Enlightened to achieve their goals.

  8. Brandon Downey​ Look up my community Ingress Resistance - The Freedom Fighters. We stand by our principles and fight any alien influence on human minds. And we don't support Jahan. We may still be small in numbers, but we're steadily growing.

  9. Andreas Decker thedeacon1972 So none of you showed up to help Jahan for Obsidian, right?

  10. Brandon Downey​ I don't control the members of my community. I know for a fact that some were present at Obsidian. The fun of the game is still worth more than the storyline. But I started a discussion about us participating in Aegis Nova. We'll see what comes out of it.

  11. Brandon Downey I smell corn dogs again. Yep, it's you running your mouth.

    Let the XM die. Block the shapers, lock out the N'zeer. You go off with the shapers, and leave us in blessed peace from your mouth that never ever seems to shut up.

  12. Am I the only one imagining Hank to put on his sunglasses and be all like "fuck this, I'm out of it" and walk away in the end of the conversation? :D

    Seriously though, I wouldn't trust neither Jahan nor the Acolyte.


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