Aegis Nova.

Aegis Nova. Slowly, its roots are beginning to emerge. Cybella's vision helps us understand where the name comes from, but what does it mean? A New Shield? The destruction of the Obsidian Shield? What do you think?



  1. Valley of the Dead... The place Hank Johnson went almost a year ago.

  2. I do not believe the Aegis Nova is an object per se. I feel it is either a configuration of objects, or a stage in the use of existing objects we possess. It may even be simply a matter of telling a new story, the right story, about these objects, to allow the so-called gravity of narrative to shift the orbit in which we find ourselves.

    Cybella says " until the Aegis Nova". That sounds less like a Maltese Falcon to unmask, and more like a phase, or a time foreseen.


    One common element in stories of the Aegis is that it is composed of relics of the dead. From the fairy goat Amalthea to the various monstrous foes of the gods, it is made of what is left behind, remnants of power. Doesn't that sound appropriate?

    The Aegis is passed from hand to hand, conflict to conflict, it changes and grows as its story is told and it is in the hands of new heroes. Even amongst the gods it seems a sort of hand me down. Is there something else we have that does this?

    Finally, the word aegis also translates as "storm" in its older form. The name "Zeus, wielder of the Aegis" can be read both as a god who holds a shield, as well as a god who brings a storm. It seems every few months we agents find a storm to chase.

  3. So the acolytes necklace possibly can destroy the shield?

  4. The "Valley of the Dead", or "Valle dei Morti" in modern Italian, is referring to the catacombs of modern Naples ( They were located along the road going toward west from the ancient city of Neapolis (

    H. Richard Loeb Do you know if Obsidius' missives are available in their original Latin version? It would help to understand them without the bias added by the successive translators. The word "Nova" got its exploding star meaning only during the late 19th Century, and the Latin version would show that it is not a valid interpretation.

  5. If he's been led to the Anazktec are we about to witness them at the height of their civilization? It feels like we're about to watch their ability to make complex civilization crumble.

  6. oh Mike Wissinger to see that "in action" would be quite a "sight".

  7. Yik Sheng Lee Cybella's message seems to imply that Aegis Nova was not arrived at, though?

  8. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect What worries me is that perhaps the Vesuvian Magnus was an attempt to "free humanity from alien influence" when what we really need is common contact and understanding of alien influence.

  9. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect The alien in all things. The alien as other humans, the alien as other communities, the alien as other worlds. The alien influence of the unknown self. The "inner voice that becomes your own".

    XM makes concepts such as "thousands of years" fraught. I am not sure anymore that sequential time is meaningful in this. They could have shown up last week and "always been there", if you know what I mean?

  10. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect This is what is referred to as the "fear" response in the initial Niantic experiments.

    The above focus is about conquering fear and being willing to take a look through the arrowslits in the fortress of self to survey the field beyond.

  11. QuantumIngressEffectIngress QuantumEffect To walk the earth is to shape it.

  12. (Reposted from comment section)
    Let's see.
    Aegis Nova, the new Aegis... Destruction until the new Aegis...
    I don't see any direct correlation with the Obsidian shield and the XM drought. Simply because breaking a shield with another shield isn't a good idea generally.
    Maybe, just maybe, the arrowheads of Obsidian could be used to break the Obsidian shield, but the kickback would be the great destruction mentioned, and the Aegis Nova will cover us from it... But I can't say I really trust shields after the Obsidian.

  13. Disculpen mi intromisión pero, la historia de la humanidad está plagada de errores al querer "aislarse" de otras civilizaciones. esto conlleva a que su población quede en la ignorancia y reprime la evolución de su especie. El hombre de Neandertal por ejemplo, desapareció de la fas de la tierra al aislarse del resto de la humanidad, los chinos con la "Muralla China"... Porque no abrir el pensamiento y destruir las barreras que nosotros mismos nos hemos puesto para evolucionar hacia la siguiente etapa?
    Es acaso tan difícil de entender que necesitamos de los demás? porque no pedir ayuda,  por orgullo?
    Los N'zeer y los Sharper's, han moldeado nuestro camino desde tiempos inmemoriales y nosotros como niños hemos aprendido a usar (de forma arcaica) el XM, pero... eso es todo?
    Yo creo que es hora de pasar de nivel y permitirnos aprender lo que hay más allá.
    me quedo con las palabras de Magnus "No regreses hasta que todo haya sido descubierto". y nosotros no estamos ni cerca de descubrirlo todo.

  14. If it's the shield with the Medussa head, it is a dangerous artifact indeed. Medussa I believe is symbolic of what you get when mixing Chaotic Matter with XM. The head or in this case Chaotic Matter is attached to the shield, made of XM and tentacles come to life transmuting people into stone and transmuting a dark stone (Obsidian perhaps?) Into gold. Hank Johnson barely escaped with his life in "The Alignment Ingress" along with Conrad during this process. He used a power cube to disrupt it and he and Conrad got transported through a portal. It is not something we can use if it is the Medussa Shield (the shield of Aegis)!!! It is far too dangerous and we can't control it.
    Also, so they had found 13 glyphs (on arrowheads) like we just had that operate a 13 Magnus chamber. If done incorrectly that would certainly explain Mount Vesuvius erupting. It is, as we know, extremely dangerous to put them in the wrong order.

  15. +H. Richard Loeb is it possible that Cybella is referring to Aegis Nova as an event? For example, possibly the destruction of the Obsidion shield? Obsidion is normally thought of as a really dark substance, while nova is something really bright. Maybe the brightness from whatever the Aegis Nova is could possibly be the destruction of the shield?


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