If you haven't read Klue S.'s last post about her strange dream, do so now.

If you haven't read Klue S.'s last post about her strange dream, do so now.

I'm on the ground in Milan, but I can't get this idea out of my head so I'm doing a quick post in between meeting an incredible array of Agents and Investigators.

Anyway. Remember the strange Glyph like Symbols Hank Johnson and Devra Bogdanovich found in a supposed '13MAGNUS' cave in Arecibo? I couldn't help but connect that to Klue's vision of people lying in a circle.

Is this what #Abaddon  is? Or should I be calling it ABADN?

More later. Measurement coming.


  1. Hmm. Interesting. 13 people lying in a circle. At the center, the glyph for Again(?).

    Could the 13 researchers be the lock on the door of Abaddon? What do you think, H. Richard Loeb​?

  2. Any solid leads yet on where the lab is stashed? Janus, maybe?

  3. I believe the Deprecated video is the key document.

  4. I'm sure all my australopithecine and cro-magnon buddies at the pub will be relieved.

  5. Abaddon is hebrew for appolyon ... The destroyer King of the bodemless Pitt laying just under the old village of appolyon ... Found at cern France ... Google cern - appolyon Shiva .. andbe bapfheld


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