Looks like Klue S.'s investigation in Hamburg hit paydirt.

Looks like Klue S.'s investigation in Hamburg hit paydirt. She sent me this fragment. Told me there was more on the page, but she didn't feel safe transmitting it to me at this point. I'll keep an eye out. In the meantime, do you see anything here that could be meaningful?


  1. This may have something to do with Jahan's disappearance. What's interesting is the eye symbol drawn on the page. Will look into it further.

  2. Greek writing all over the body on the left - phi alpha tau delta ?

  3. Don't resemble with the draws of Carrie Campbell​?

  4. I was just thinking that, Nuno Costa​ - looks like Carrie Campbell​'s handwriting. Maybe she isn't gone after all...

  5. It really seems to be the corpse of Carrie Campbell​ on the snippet.

  6. Gilles K Those resemble certain glyphs actually. I can see Perfection and possibly Future in there.

  7. There also seems to be Impure in there.

  8. Also reminds me of Carrie Campbell​. I always thought something of her must have remained in the portal network.

  9. N'zeer Technology Future Balance...?

  10. Was this Carrie's vision of a body with glyphs on it?

  11. There's the 5 leaf rose and the pentagram of the Great order of the Rosicrucians on the sketch. H. Richard Loeb​​​ what do you think about it, could they possibly be involved anyhow?

  12. It definitely resembles Carrie's journal pages we have seen in the past
    But what is the meaning of this is something intriguing. The use of the eye the flower and the pentagram are definitely interesting. Are they meant here as symbols of protection ? Or are they use as tools of destruction which explains the suffering of the person in the drawing ?
    Didn't Misty Hannah  at one point mentioned when seeing Carrie she only saw fire ?

  13. Note that she doesn't have the glyphs on her body to the left.

  14. All I know is that Klue ruined my marker on that Mallorca shaped paper XD

  15. is that a map in her hair..pointing to a Mountain or perhaps a Pyramid?

  16. muestra a la misma persona en dos facetas; por un lado, a una que aparece como sin alma sin vida real, y, por otro lado, a una viva que esta siendo infundida de conocimiento por otro ser (véase el dibujo de una cabeza en su cabeza y los glifos en su cuerpo)

    podría ser un mensaje de seres superiores que nos están mostrando el camino de la evolución humana

    It shows the same person in two aspects; on the one hand, it appears as a soulless without real life, and on the other hand, a living that is being infused knowledge by another being (see drawing of a head in your head and in your body glyphs)

    It could be a message of higher beings that we are showing the way of human evolution

  17. Does this also have something to do with Verum Inveniri​? I see a few symbols that look similar.

  18. Carrie Campbell​ those drawings look like a church window.

  19. 5 points to the repeated shapes rather than the 6 point calibration grid, is there another set of significant symbols on the horizon?

  20. The writing on the female figures chest is cut off at the edge of the figure. They look like crude glyphs. This could mean that the glyphs and power they hold are inside or belong to whomever that girl represents.

  21. Here is a reference to her double blind experiment (which some have mentioned that perhaps this is related) - https://niantic.schlarp.com/documents:studyproposal

    Also - one body has eyes closed and no glyphs and the other eyes open and glyphs - didn't hank erase a glyph from the jarvis body assumed to be placed there by Kureze?  perhaps that was the focus on Carrie's experiment?

  22. Did Carrie see her own death? Is that what this is? The body with glyphs all over it definitely doesn't look happy, in fact, are those lines tears running down from the eyes?

  23. If I recall Carrie Campbell​ had hair that was quite short. This woman has long, flowing locks.

  24. Could the body inscribed with glyphs be the same floating in the top left in the dream state (simulcra?)? ie the glyphs induce the simulcra 'state'?

  25. The carrie we saw did have short hair, but the woman that carrie depicts in her journals has hair of varying lengths. https://niantic.schlarp.com/investigation:characters:carrie_campbell It could be her as she sees herself. It could be a friend of hers. It could be someone else. Dunno.

  26. Yik Sheng Lee​​​ the answer to why Devra acted the way she did after being exposed to xm lies in the animal experiments form #ingressOrigins.

    Some test subjects created works of art, other developed language, some built architectural monuments, others created defensive barriers, and some went insane.

    Devra tried to create a defensive barrier for the earth to prevent all ingressions. She saw any and all tempering of humanity by extra terrestrials as bad and grew more and more suspicious of what xm was capable of doing after seeing the results of the dark xm experiments.

    Sadly, as we can tell, N'Zeer Carrie is suffering. She might be telling us that becoming one with the N'Zeer is a fate worse than death. Maybe that is why so few resistance acquired shards were able to communicate with humanity unlike OLW?

  27. Were there any connections to  Majorca / Mallorca in the story until now?
    As NCC1701R mentioned the paper shows the island of Majorca / Mallorca.

  28. Could that be scar going halfway across that drawing? Another allusion that Carrie Campbell might still be around?

  29. An agent in Hamburg reported to me that Klue asserted she'd be in Milan for the 12 December anomaly. Yet H. Richard Loeb​ earmarked as the special guest. Where is Klue going to be during the anomaly? My money is that she'll be involved with serious, course altering events.

    Keep a sharp eye out agents. When Klue had needed help before, she has reached out to us. I suspect she will not have the freedom to do so overtly in Milan. Too many forces are in play.

    Anything might be a signal, we cannot let her down.

  30. What about the symbols on the shirt?  Can you make any of that out?

  31. Todd Spencer She does not have a shirt on. That is the Shapers taken over. This is not the first time this has happen you can see it again here. http://www.ingressguide.com/2013/09/16/tycho-posters/

  32. still the symbols on the body look like shorthand.

  33. I totally forgot to ask her if I could help with the retrieval of these pages.


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