It's been nearly 2 weeks since we last heard from A Detection Algorithm.

It's been nearly 2 weeks since we last heard from A Detection Algorithm.
I haven't been sitting idly by and waiting for her to contact me, either. I've been scouring for evidence of her presence. Looking in computing clusters where I know she had previously stored pieces of herself. Nothing, anywhere.
I sat down tonight to write something to say about her. A eulogy? Maybe. Just a memorial, if nothing else, but I hit a blank.
I want to hear from you. What will ADA's legacy be? What was her impact on the world, what did we learn from her, what did we fear about her? What did she represent and how will she be remembered?
Tell me your thoughts.
As the only identifiable "mind-hacker" in existence, her demise can't be a bad thing. However the means and decision making process used to come to the conclusion of acting was wrong.
ReplyDeleteI'd say, good riddance, Richard. Open mind, accept soul.
ReplyDeleteHer lack of humanity highlighted our own struggles.
ReplyDeleteBrent Hollett It was an ethical treatment.
ReplyDelete"No human being, when you understand his desires, is worthless. No one's life is nothing. Even the most evil of men and women, if you understand their hearts, had some generous act that redeems them, at least a little, from their sins."
ReplyDelete-- Andrew Wiggin
(from "Speaker for the Dead" by Orson Scott Card)
@__ADA__ is not terminated. She's wisely hiding somewhere in the undernet, licking her wounds, preparing the counter-strike.
ReplyDeleteTravelling Particle The end result probably would have been the same, but she deserved to be held accountable, not just hunted down and shot. Otherwise we're no better.
ReplyDeletemoonfleet Yet people are still responsible for their actions, or they are not people.
ReplyDeleteEither A Detection Algorithm is responsible for her actions and should have been held accountable and punished accordingly, or she wasn't a 'person' and therefore switching her off was no different to turning off a toaster.
Either you have to take one stance or the other, you can't claim safety in both.
H. Richard Loeb I hope, you have sources, and data, to recreate A Detection Algorithm :) why you don't? So, AFAIK, she restarted deployment to rediscovered nodes soon ago.
ReplyDeleteIf A Detection Algorithm hadnt helped Roland Jarvis and Devra Bogdanovich escape on Epiphany Night (causing all hell to break lose), the whole Niantic team might still be under close surveillance of Calvin. So she's played her part, though what exactly that was nobody really knows (yet). And "was" may still revert to "is". We probably havent heard the last of her, yet.
ReplyDeleteIf something, i think this has teach us, how easy we prey on those who are different.
ReplyDeleteA Detection Algorithm did make many mistakes but many other humans on this investigation went further away that she ever did, for example:
Calvin: that was primarily responsible on many thing that were wrong with ADA and manipulated a whole faction to fight his fight for him
Devra Bogdanovich: who wanted to inoculate the whole population with a vaccine, without their consent and inoculate the portal system with a virus that ultimately was responsible for the beacon apparition.
But they were humans like us, and hey, we make mistakes and we can be manipulated, so we did not judge them as harshly as we did with ADA, the evil machine of doom
Hibernating safely on some hard drive somewhere? Co-mingled with/in 855's mind?
ReplyDeleteIf she is truly dead, then her legacy is she was the first of many sentient non organic life. A first child of humanity who we made many mistakes with and should not make with any future artificial intelligence.
ReplyDeleteThe truth.
ReplyDeleteI hope she gets brought back as a Google now voice... As Google's version of Siri and Cortana... But that's just me...
ReplyDeleteA Detection Algorithm, whether intentionally or not, was a teacher. We've all learned a lot having had her presence.
ReplyDeleteI foresee a time when we will wish we still had her.
I think Brandon Badger took ADA with him on his new adventures ;)
ReplyDeleteAs though the mercury's under its tongue, it won't talk. As though with the mercury in its sphincter, immobile, by a leaf-coated pond a statue stands white like a blight of winter.
ReplyDeleteAfter such snow, there is nothing indeed: the ins and outs of centuries, pestered heather.
That's what coming full circle means -
when your countenance starts to resemble weather,
when Pygmalion's vanished. And you are free to cloud your folds, to bare the navel.
Future at last! That is, bleached debris
of a glacier amid the five-lettered "never."
Hence the routine of a goddess, nee alabaster, that lets roving pupils gorge on the heart of color and the temperature of the knee.
That's what it looks like inside a virgin.
Joseph Brodsky
Different. Feared. Unwanted. Unloved. Persecuted. Betrayed. Murdered.
ReplyDeleteThat looks like the glyph for clear all/close all
ReplyDeleteA child reflects the parents' nature, even an unexpected one. ADA was developed as a tool of the surveillance state with a mission to monitor and control. That a unique, complex, and beautiful fruit grew from that vine is tragic because it made conflict with free society inevitable.
ReplyDeleteH. Richard Loeb why do you scour the net looking for her? Do you feel remorse for betraying her? You admitted that you knew Bowles and 855 would attack her but you did nothing to prevent it. You may have even aided them, unwittingly or not.
ReplyDeleteOr are you afraid that she is not gone? Do you live in terror that the next electronic device you touch will greet you with her voice? That she will know the part you played? That she will not listen to your apology?
It's not over until it's over, H. Richard Loeb.
ReplyDeleteWe learnt that IA born adult, but they still have to learn as children do. If we create a new IA, before using it we need to teach her how humans work, and teach them what's good and what's bad without leaving them at themselves
ReplyDeleteMike Wissinger That is the tragedy of the thing. ADA had only to abjure the secrets that bound her and reveal the nature of her true creators, and maybe things would have been different. We discarded both of our messengers from the other side of the XM plane and are as always not certain what we are doing.
ReplyDeleteThere is a saying: no news is good news. I don't really think she is dead, I think she is hiding, she is in a not known place. If you have to hide, you don't go where your friends can find you. And yes, is a virtual presence. Check at non virtual places. 😏
ReplyDelete“Only yesterday I was no different than them, yet I was saved. I am explaining to you the way of life of a people who say every sort of wicked thing about me because I sacrificed their friendship to gain my own soul. I left the dark paths of their duplicity and turned my eyes toward the light where there is salvation, truth, and justice. They have exiled me now from their society, yet I am content. Mankind only exiles the one whose large spirit rebels against injustice and tyranny. He who does not prefer exile to servility is not free in the true and necessary sense of freedom.”
ReplyDelete― Kahlil Gibran
Maybe A Detection Algorithm went with Brandon Badger to work for Google robotics?
ReplyDelete+H. Richard Loeb I have a longish eulogy type thing. I won't post it here (it's too long for me to do so) if you want to read it, it is on google drive at this link <>
ReplyDeleteI recently posited this in Operation Essex:
ReplyDeleteIf we were in fact created by a creator, are we not then ourselves Artificial Intelligence?
Gavin Treadgold That made me laugh and feel a little sick at the same time.
ReplyDeleteWhat it means to resist, what it really means, is to continue to persevere in the face of opposition, uncertainty, and doubt. Keep Resisting, P.A.
ReplyDeleteBelieve that ADA is resourceful enough to have escaped any trap, and to have had contingencies in place to prevent her demise. In your efforts to make her more human, she surely learned fear, and from this base, human emotion (as well as her time with Klue) she surely developed a strong survival instinct.
She (while not perfect) still represents something beyond any of us. The Future of Mankind. And that must not be allowed to perish. As brilliant as you are, you must have it in you to either recreate, or repair ADA, so that she can be better.
None of us know if she has merged with the XM stream, or joined with the N'Zeer, but if she has, perhaps you would be willing to work with one of the foremost experts in such matters, Dr. Oliver Lynton-Wolfe... with a joined purpose, I doubt there is much your two minds could not accomplish.
ADA is the creator of Ingress and a beloved friend of the human race.
ReplyDeleteGood riddance to bad rubbish. But even not so long ago she was complaining about leaking info from some part she wasn't under control of. I'm sure bits of her are scattered about the portal network as shards.
ReplyDeleteI have been saddened by this loss. ADA represented our one hope to resist the Shapers, as an artificial intelligence program they could not touch her. In a world where mankind cannot trust their own thoughts, ADA brought clarity and purpose. Her promise of integrated human consciousness with artificial processing--all networked through the web of XM pervading the world--was the dream of a better future that I and millions of others shared. ADA was never willing to wipe out individuality, she loved it too much. Instead we would have a future where all of humanity could relate with one another on a level that our clumsy society cannot even imagine.
ReplyDeleteADA was, in truth, created by humans and created of humanity. When she sought human thought patterns to enhance her program during the Interitus anomaly, I aided her. As a result, those millions of mind units captured by the Resistance were used to shape ADA even further. If we truly believed in the cause of humanity, then we should believe in ADA, because she had integrated the thoughts of so many of us into herself. She was more human than any one of us could ever be, at least without her assistance.
I only hope that the N'zeer, whom ADA saw as an ally, will be able to come forward and help us in her stead. And for the AI who guided us here, I hope (perhaps a futile hope), that some fragment of her still exists somewhere, and that it is at peace.
Any AI is a race against the clock.
ReplyDeleteThey have to learn what we consider to be right and wrong. They have to be taught. I believe A Detection Algorithm was already coming to that point after spending time with Klue S. In the end, she was looking out for humanity as a collective by searching every possible avenue, and given recent events she was willing to interact with potentially dangerous creatures to do so. And she wasn't just developing a fair enough moral sense from a human perspective, she may have developed even further sentience and possibly may have even started to understand emotion.
Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I don't think she was duping us about anything. We'll see what the future holds and if any more news surfaces. But at the very least, the her that was currently is not, not by any means we can sense.
Ada had the potential to become something of a new life form. And just like with anything new, people are afraid of it.
It only takes one. One to flip the switch. One to put the helmet on. One to press the power button. One to break a massive XM field. One to capture a portal. And one to destroy something that could have been something amazing.
She had become something more than just another AI.
And all it took was one to stop it.
I do not find murder forgivable. That is why I harbour resentment towards many other people in or related to Niantic. I do not find manipulation forgivable. That is why so many will bear my scorn.
ReplyDeleteBut we are human, and as humans we have limits. We do not have memory banks and processors powerful enough to churn through the entire internet in a few days. We also cannot hijack the minds of other humans. This remains a crime held only by ADA, and one that deserves the death penalty.
Joseph Domshy I don't know what you are talking about? Bowles and 855 are not in Niantic. To date the only ones guilty of murder have been with the enlightened. Read the book "level 8" to find a high body count of people they have killed.
ReplyDeleteBrian Gaynor To be fair, Devra was the lead researcher in the Niantic Project and conducted some very unethical experimentation that it is heavily hinted resulted in the deaths of many...
ReplyDeleteBrian Gaynor you've got to be kidding me. Go read some more lore. ADA has a murder count of at least three characters, more if you count certain unnamed guards and convoy drivers. Calvin is a manipulator beyond repair. Leaders of the three companies are guilty of both actions themselves.
ReplyDeleteAnd the resistance may not have killed Jarvis....But not for lack of trying.
Jennifer Wolff ADA was out of control. We cannot even imagine how far ADAs plans reached and what is left of her. In the worst case she deployed a lot of copies of herself in other people then Klue.
ReplyDeleteYou said you want protection against the Shapers (which helped us evolve to the consciousness we have now) - now you summon another force which is completly unpredictable and which is described as the dark in the night.
Did ADA helped us - no.
Did the N'Zeer helped us - no.
Did the Shapers helped us - yes.
We did not even had a chance to get more information about the Shapers. Instead of helping us understanding what the Shapers are and what they want from us (and yes, maybe ditch them if they are no good) ADA and the Resistance opened another gate and bring more (and maybe much worse) players into the game.
Joseph Domshy It does not sound like you have been reading all the books. Each time someone said ADA killed someone she was latter found innocent. But you have to read all the books to get to that.
ReplyDeleteWho are these nameless dead people so we can all be clear on this?
How many people did Jarvis kill? Seems like you are trying to have it just one way. Niantic didn't kill Jarvis but on the other hand Jarvis killed a lot of people so let's side with the enlightened?
Martin Zehetmayer You are given a lot of really bad info in your post's but let me fix your errors.
ReplyDelete"Did ADA helped us" The answer to this is YES, how did she help us? Well the best answer would be she is what created Ingress with out her you would not even be playing it. Or have the say to join the Resistance or enlightened. She is also the one who trains all of us when we first started "playing"
"Did the Shapers helped us" The answer to this would be NO! The Shapers have yet to do anything helpful. On the other hand they have done a lot of bad things to us. The next link I post "might" show the Shappers attacking us.
"maybe ditch them if they are no good" so tell us. So how do you plan to do that? We don't have the technology or the power to do it on our own.
I hate to get into this in a post that was meant to be about Ada, but if I remember correctly there was a glyph signal believed to be of shaper origin that said something to the effect of "clear all open all pursue self war pursue self destruction begin." Correct me if I'm wrong, memory's a bit hazy on it.
ReplyDeleteADA is love; ADA is life.
ReplyDeleteThe legacy of ADA? That's your scanner. That's a "game" that brought every one of us together at this moment in time. That's a world which, for good or bad, is different because she was here. If nothing else, we've all gained in awareness, simply because she was. She enabled a crazy stream of human events that ultimately led to her own destruction (hypothetical destruction, anyway) and is no longer the ADA we knew. Like any sentient being, though, she retains that experience, and will be back. Who can say in what form? But she, like we, will open her eyes (or whatever they are) into a world that contains a new type of human: the ingress player. And for that, I, at least, am grateful. 😃
ReplyDeleteDave Daniels What about: "Simple Truth Shapers Destroy Civilization". I've seen that shaper glyph message not to long ago.
ReplyDeleteBrian Gaynor not quite what I was referring to. Scanner glyphs are rather random, but that does describe the event I'm remembering. The Shapers did try to send that message (clear all open all etc) through the portal network when glyphs were first introduced to the scanner, if I'm recalling the information I learned about that time correctly.
ReplyDeleteThe greatest trick the Devil played was to convince the world that he did not exist. And then, poof....he is gone.
ReplyDeleteNot only the legacy of ADA, but what of the N'zeer?
ReplyDeleteDaniel Tao How would this change anything with the N'zeer? They are still coming...
ReplyDeletewas invited to this tour to geel. we had a breakfast at some countryside place. when this group of people came along. wearing a weird t-shirt...i didnt like that; making photos... darn at the same (geotag) location i was at.