Here's the chain of events, as far as I can tell...

Here's the chain of events, as far as I can tell...

En route to Switzerland, Avril Lorazon (the current CEO of IQTech Research in Ezekiel Calvin's absence) reroutes his plane to an airport in Germany. 

Some days later, Hank Johnson gets a knock on his door. This was a surprise to him, since he thought he was off the radar (to be fair, I doubt he was in full covert-operator mode, probably more just 'I need some space' mode). Anyway, so he gets the knock on the door and receives an envelope from none other than Visur Technology basically telling him to get on a plane and head to Germany as well.

So, what's the common denominator?

Oliver Lynton-Wolfe's last major project before he disappeared was working for Visur Technology and from what I can understand, he made some major breakthroughs in understanding what the N'zeer are and what they might mean to the Portal Network. 

Calvin, we have now learned, had a hidden agenda and was probably a member of the ancient society protecting secrets of the N'zeer known as Anti-Magnus. After his disappearance, Lorazon was able to acquire much of Calvin's private research.

Hank Johnson went across India, Pakistan and Afghanistan in order to learn more about the N'zeer, and in the course of his journey, was ensnared by the Anti-Magnus leader, Jahan and probably ended up learning more than he wanted to about the N'zeer and their history.

Do you see the pattern I'm seeing? Much remains to be uncovered about this set of events, but I'm willing to wager that when we find out what's going on here, it's going to have something to do with Jahan and what she's been up to...


  1. Everyone is bringing what they know to the table for mutual benefit, at least, that's what they should be doing.

  2. There's a pattern? The more you try to find out something, the more you become involved with it?

  3. The pattern I'm seeing:  

    Ingress 2.0 - Coming to a phone near you in Winter 2015.

  4. I hope you don't end being part of the pattern.

  5. More points: Devra left Pevtsov's employment because she didn't like some of his research goals. If OLW continued those experiments in order to make his N'Zeer discoveries then Ilya may have been on their track since long before the rest of us knew they existed. One possible place he could have come by that knowledge would be a connection to AM.

    When Hank was embodied as a simulacrum but didn't know how his value was as a test subject. Now that he is mortal but has the memory of all past 13M leaders his value is as an expert.

    If ilya really is out to maximize value that should improve Hank's safety over last time when Devra was the only reason Hank was allowed to walk away from the bridge. If, on the other hand, ilya is just an AM partisan at heart, Hank is in trouble.

  6. Niantic Project 2 - Exotic Boogaloo.

    Joking aside, I'm also sensing that Ilya may be trying to reform the Niantic Project in some fashion - but for what purpose?  To continue Calvin's efforts, or to some other end?


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