Bowles looked different when I saw him in SD.

Bowles looked different when I saw him in SD. His time with that exceptionally violent creature has changed him. Henry was always a quiet and socially awkward guy, but he never came across as cold and calculating. Now he does.

Some of 855 must have transferred over in their time together. Unfortunate. I knew he was around... I tried to spot him but I couldn't. Guy's a chameleon. Gives me the creeps.

Bowles chose not to share most of the conversation with me. Him and Klue S. leaned in and talked in quiet tones. Then, he disappeared into the crowd of Agents at #MissionDay and Klue went back to smiling and interacting with everyone like it was business as usual.

I get why Bowles would leave me out of this. Split loyalties, I suppose, but I don't understand why he would be so committed to the destruction of something that he helped create. A Detection Algorithm exists as much because of him as because of me. Scratch that. Way more because of him.

Maybe I'm reading too much into the situation. But maybe I'm not. The whole thing leaves me uncomfortable.


  1. I'm sure Bowles has an invested interest in his own personal safety. That's the unfortunate side effect of being in the company of a man like 855. Meanwhile, the image in this post appears to be the image of an algorithm that continues to evolve.

  2. Not surprised at all...

    If you're constantly on the run fearing for your life... you'd become cold and calculating as well...

    If you've had ADA in your head before... they would probably have let you in as well... 855 and Klue S. are the only ones who truly understand each other and ADA...

    If you're more forthcoming on your own agenda... maybe it would be easier for others to decide whether to cut you in... in fact, didnt you say in your last post something like "I've got this secret stuff but I cant tell you what is it"?

    Even if they trust you... would they risk telling you everything and then have A Detection Algorithm flash/fry your brain and find out what they're plotting?

    If A Detection Algorithm is a tool used by the N'Zeer... why would you be questioning those who advocate for her destruction?

    So... yes you're probably reading too much into the situation...

  3. H. Richard Loeb​
    The outcome of this situation depends on the answer to the question asked here:

    If Klue S.​ was not acting freely but as an agent of the Shapers when she went to A Detection Algorithm​ the entire narrative changes. All of the "whys" change. Even yours. Help us all get to truth; Ask Klue S.​to explain herself.

  4. If you weren't part of the conversation you don't know that destruction is the goal. Having created ADA I'd imagine Bowles feels responsible for the results. If you want him to stop short of a killing blow then see to it ADA is no longer a danger to humanity.

  5. Poor old KatButt needs a jewel...
    I guess now that ADA might be working to get the Bad Aliens through to eat us, instead of blocking the Good Aliens or eating our human mind units itself, the Resistance might finally stop trying to help ADA?

    Nah, probably too much to ask.


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