I promised earlier I would have more to say about the conversation between Klue S. and I.

I promised earlier I would have more to say about the conversation between Klue S. and I.

Not that anybody really cares about my dating life, but here it comes.... Actually chatted with Klue. Of course I knew the world was going to see it so I played the hard guy. I mean, I’m 21st Century and all, but I’m not going to cry pixels in public. It's not just ‘complicated’ and there’s not just ‘history there,’ and it’s not exactly ‘twisted’ but it is a profoundly perverse situation. Having some AI fall in love with you feels weird and wrong. Then, when the AI takes human form and the human form is real, not some simulacrum (no offense to Hank Johnson, he seems human enough) but a real person, it suddenly feels legit.  And I think Klue (and yes, I want to know who she really is) actually does care for me. I’ve seen real emotion there. Or was it just a trick of the light? Who knows? Who ever knows?
Two questions:
  What should I do?
  What am I going to do?


  1. Just relax, man, go to a stripclub, have some beer, hangout with your friends.

  2. What you should do, is think logically. Keep your distance.
    What you're going to do is going to be emotional. Running in like Leeroy Jenkins.

  3. H. Richard Loeb​​​ what you should and what you will do are exactly the same and coincidentally something your very quite good at. Your going to seek out the truth

  4. I think that first you should sort out your feelings in regard to both, Klue and ADA.
    Then meet with her as suggested: somewhere off the grid, no electronics involved (but be prepared to run, in case she does pull out a Scanner to Glyph-hack you).
     Talk to her, try to find out who you are talking to. And whether that is the person you wanted to meet.

  5. Xelonir​ a Faraday cage sounds kinda kinky

  6. Derek Longbow considering that most cars actually fulfill the same function as a Faraday cage, the good old 'date in a car parked somewhere in the landscape' comes to mind.
    H. Richard Loeb will have to decide if the car "ran out of gas" or not. ;)

  7. H. Richard Loeb it's a tricky situation, but it seem obvious that you want to reach to her, and she want to reach to you. So I will go for it.

    The best advise I can give you is go slow, and always keep present that past offences don't disappear out of the blue, so try to speak about everything that happened on the past with her, even if it hurts. If you don't do it, it will come back tu hunt you both on the future, probably causing more bad stuff to happens between you.

     I will also take into account that even if they separate, i don't think that ADA is going to get far from her or you for that matter, think if you are ok with that too.

  8. If you so much as touch her there will be no end to the rain of my bursters! She will be mine!

  9. If you get lucky you'd get into a weird threesome with a sentient program and a possessed girl. Go for it and cross at least three things from your bucket list. Lol

  10. Just in case its a ruse by A Detection Algorithm​ to make you impregnate Klue S.​ and spawn the first batch of man-machine hybrid offsprings, don't forget to bring very rare shields - perhaps look for the next product tie up between Visur Technology​ and Durex​

  11. Takes human form? Someone already owned that particular form before ADA hollowed it out and started wearing her skin. That's the creepiest part of the whole situation. You should demand that ADA stop bodysnatching if she wants a relationship.

  12. What should you do? Follow your brain. Talk to Susanna Moyer​​. She is a truth seeker (and very attractive).

    What will you do? You will follow your heart on... this one.

  13. what you shoulddo .. be careful.., what ou will do , only you can decide that

  14. Don't jump in full force, time will tell take it slow and gather intel as any secret agent would do.

  15. I think its pretty obvious....

    A.D.A. wants the D......

  16. Two easy questions.  If you like Klue S.  or not you should still try to free her from the Shapers.  It seem like the enlightened got her into this mess so the Resistance should get her out.

    Once that is done and Klue S. is her self again all your answers will be answered.

  17. That's an interestingly complex situation, and annoyingly 'human' from my point of view.

    Not knowing how far the ADA/Klue integration went, i think it forces you to look at it as a two part 'challenge'. As far as ADA is concerned, you have to consider that as far as we know, they still are an AI trying to 'emulate' human. The whole merging scenario would make sense as an attempt to run ADA's human 'emulation' alongside a legitimate human, to see where it diverges and how far it passes the 'test'.

    At the same time, Klue brings a new level of complexity. She has other motivations, both ones she might not know herself, some that are kept hidden from ADA, some that are shared with ADA, some that are directly expressed.

    What worries me in this situation is that your actions have too many far-reaching effects due to the multiple layers of the current situation. An AI trying to emulate being heartbroken would be more than scary. There's also the question of how the impact of 'human' emotions on the more procedural, logical part of ADA. I guess it depends on how deep the integration between the two is.

    One suspicion I have tho is that the isolation of those meetings might be an attempt to either test this, or cause a divide by having Klue 'naturally' process emotions, while ADA has to do so without access to the rest of the 'network', forcing real-time processing in a much more 'human' way.

    This is where it becomes pretty interesting to me. It could be seen as the ultimate test. If ADA can handle such a situation in real-time as well as a human, it's an impressive achievement. If ADA fails, this could be the 'break' that would split ADA and Klue back into two independent entities.

    Either way, in the end, this is the kind of situation where there's no way to become uninvolved. The best you can do, as far as I can see, is do your best to not harm yourself in the process. I wish i could offer better advice, but I'm horrible at figuring out things from an emotional and 'human relations' point of view. I just thought i'd toss in my point of view, it could always be useful.

  18. At this point, you really have no way of knowing if a response is from Klue S. or if it is from ADA.  ADA claims to have love for you, so ask her for a demonstration.  She must agree to vacate Klue's form, and let Klue be Klue, for a specified length of time.  Half an hour, an hour, a day, a week, whatever.  ADA will know beforehand that she WILL be given the opportunity to return, but under one (and only one) condition.  If, after your time with Klue, Klue chooses to welcome the ADA, for lack of better term, consciousness, then fine.  If Klue wishes to pursue a relationship with you in a weird two-sided triangle, then fine.  If Klue does not wish this, ADA MUST NOT attempt to regain control.  If ADA is not willing to take this gamble, her love for you is false.

    ADA, to gain love, you must risk losing love.  This is something we humans deal with every day.

  19. Most guys don't understand women, and vice-versa. Klue as an individual is more complex than most, and she's currently co-inhabited by the most advanced AI ever developed. Needless to say, you're in a tricky situation that most guys couldn't hope to fathom. But as with any relationship, do what you feel is right, have integrity, and make the choices that result in the least amount of regrets. No matter what you do, she's subjecting herself to another glyph pattern, so keep that in mind.

  20. Brian Gaynor what the heck are you going on about? How is it that the Enlightened got her into this? We don't turn a blind eye to A Detection Algorithm​. Most of the Resistance does.

  21. H. Richard Loeb There isn't a "should" or "ought" here.  You, Klue S. and A Detection Algorithm  are intelligent, emotionally competent beings.  You are all free to work stuff out how ever you can.  

    What you do will depend in part on the actions of others, but depend mostly on what you want to do.  Choose the raw.

  22. Lord Necron Look at the story line to this game and you will see what I'm talking about. Klue S. was always anti-Shapers & ani-shapers glyphs.  Then what happen, do you remember?  The enlightened came up with operation #saveklue when they won it forced Klue S. to become an enlightened agent also making her pro Shapers and pro-shaper glyphs. 

    Did ADA brain wash Klue S. ?  I don't know but I do know that Klue S. went into a coma after looking at the Shaper glyphs in the right order.  Another thing not talked about is ADA also tried to warn Klue S. at lest 5 times before "she" would show them to Klue S. .  "The Shaper Glyphs sequence is dangerous to the human mind"  Re-watch the video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nu5XbO6W_zw&index=44&list=LLhnu_yVTZ_XhOy4Aw40Zd-g

  23. Brian Gaynor Thanks for the rehash. Two problems with your take on things though. Klue S.​ chose a more Enlightened path, no one made her. Also, as you said yourself, ADA showed Klue the glyphs. She knew what would happen and could have said no, but instead imprinted herself on Klue.

    Please explain to me how any of that is the Enlightened's fault?

  24. Why asking us? You still know what to do! ;-)

  25. Lord Necron I already answered these questions of yours.  Something tells me that you don't follow the story line.  But I'll try again.

    First Klue S. didn't chose anything.  She was won.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8mVTI_fNog

    In the past what has Klue S. say about the Shapers/enlightentened?  This is the last post Klue S. sent out before the "The Glyphs Sequence" where it shows the Shapers brain washing Klue.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UEqz2yIsL0&list=LLhnu_yVTZ_XhOy4Aw40Zd-g&index=5

    Funny!  In that video of Klue S. own free will she called the shappers "the enemy" as I said this happen right before #saveklue but then when she was "won" and forced to be with the enlighten she was also forced to act like the enlightened.  Do you think the same outcome would of happen if she stayed with the Resistance?  Of course not!  She would of stayed saying that they are "the enemy" and the shaper glyphs are bad. 

    Didn't ADA say some interesting things in that first video?  "I'm here Klue, I'm not sure you are thinking rationally" ADA knew Klue was not acting like her old self that saw the shapers as "the enemy".

  26. Allen Tanner II Where did you read that the N'zeer are trying to "impose their free will, their programming, upon us"?

    I'm with you, I don't fully trust them "yet".  All we know about them is they stopped the shappers last time they where here.  But the only info I've ever got about the N'zeer has been from Hank Johnson

  27. Brian Gaynor I find it amusing that because I disagree with you you assume that I don't follow the story line. You keep "resisting" buddy, looks like it's working for you.

  28. Lord Necron The story line has always been the same.  Klue S. has seen the Shapers as "the enemy".  About 24h's after she was won to the enlightened she demanded ADA to show here the shaper glyphs that ended up putting her into a coma.

    Very easy question here.  If she where to have stayed on the side of the Resistance would we have seen the same outcome?  Very easy answer, NO!  She had to follow the story line of which ever faction won her.

    You can also think about it this way would the enlightened be upset if they won her and she still saw everything the Resistance way?  My bet would be yes and not have made her a very good prize to have been won.

    So this brings me to my final point.  If the enlightened got her into this mess then the only way to free her would be by the Resistance.

  29. H. Richard Loeb Klue S. real love is patient, kind, persevering, covers all transgressions, and willing to take care of, or die for the loved-one's good. It is much more than chemistry or hormones - does ADA have or emulate hormones? What love do you have for Klue? How do you care for ADA - or do you? How do either of them love you - or does that even matter? Do your best to determine these things and do what you think is best.

  30. Brian Gaynor let's just agree that we politely disagree on a few things and move on.

  31. Love is Overrated. Consider the situation with logic first. Then work to establish mutual trust. If trust can be solidly established, there will be time enough for love later.


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