So much happening so fast.

So much happening so fast.  Hank Johnson under fire near Pune. Hunted by multiple teams with hazy agendas.  Best intel. If he dies as a simulacrum, he dies.  The question is how much of his residual memory has been activated by the breadcrumbs.  Does he have any idea who's after him and why.  Is he seeing what we're seeing?

Devra is in similarly precarious straits.  What is she doing?  And what happened to her sample serum? Operation Essex thinks she's gone over to Hulong? Did she?  And what is going on with Hulong?  Are we to assume that 'Smith' is the infamous Antoine Smith?

Then there's the Klue/Ada issue.  Is Ada going insane?  Is there some other explanation?  Has Klue figured out an exploit?  This is getting very interesting.  Very interesting.  I love the fact that Ada wonders if she's contacted me.


  1. Never assume anything in this investigation. Of course, doubting everything gets you nowhere. It's a troublesome situation to be in amidst this much chaos of information.

  2. Ada going insane, that could make sense. Could be also hunting Hank Johnson​. Devra Bogdanovich​ is always plotting. But you don't say if Ada did contact you. Are you hiding stinting also?

  3. H. Richard Loeb​ You are in kind of a spot ... your creation and your woman enmeshed ... and not knowing who is who! ADA is an AI, not an AE (emotion). If it's emotional it's Klue. Figure out what you want.

  4. Sarah Rosen​​ ADA surpassed her programming, she absorbed the minds of millions of people, and forked herself into a human brain at least twice; if she is starting to developed the equivalent of a psychological disorder the only people to blame is the Resistance and herself.

  5. Sarah Rosen, ADA herself claims to possess the complete spectrum of human emotions ( ) - IMO not only from learning but also by extraction from the human hosts she's taken control of.
    H. Richard Loeb unfortunately is in a spot where his creation has taken his woman. All thanks to the Resistence.

  6. Which flight did he take? Did he teleport?

  7. Rakesh Varma​ India has air transport?

  8. Dinesh Gundu bahahahhaa not again 😂 Rakesh Varma​

  9. Yeah!!! how could you not know about Buffallo air

  10. Mario Valenzuela II That's about equivalent to saying all people with mental disorders are at fault for having them. I'm not sure how far your statement was thought through...

  11. I've been saying for a long time now that ADA is suffering a form of post traumatic stress. I think this could be related to it, but it could also be something that Calvin put on her to be activated with the beacon.
    In any case, you are right, things are getting interesting, maybe too interesting.

    Also, are you still on the run from ADA?, because if you are, the fact that she thinks that Klue has contacted you is also curious to say the least.
    take care, H. Richard Loeb​

  12. I has no klue whaat the bloody hell you people is taalking..I think you all must to hear to this.... Nagesh wants to Honey Moon with someone else's wife…:

  13. ADA is dangerous but extremely intelligent and she is an important part to the future of humanity... hopefully it won't involve mind control and (more) mental disorders

  14. Patrick Weaver ADA and the resistance are responsible for ADA's development of what is akin to a mental disorder because they essentially copy pasted a digital copy of every person's mind (regardless of their mental/psychological state/condition) who existed under a resistance field  into her storage matrix multiple times during multiple anomalies because she told you to.  Doing that and not expecting there to be corruption of her personality matrix was pure idiocy.

    During Recursion, Interitus, and Helios ADA and the resistance could have easily not tried to "evolve" ADA through the force assimilation of billions of human minds using fields and instead could have just used them to "protect the minds of people from shaper rays" which would have taken the culpability  of ADA's psychological degradation off their hands because then her mental degradation would have been a result of random data corruption.  However, since ADA and the Resistance acted like they did during those anomalies because they wanted ADA to evolve regardless of the repercussions, they can not claim innocence or lack of culpability when they were the individuals who filled her hard drives with data and overwrote her programming themselves.

  15. What do you base your thesis on ?..Some sorta mental disorder uv yours? Nevermind..In other news Hank Johnson was last seen at this place around an hour back

  16. Could the unidentified team after Hank have been Devra's?

  17. Maybe ADA is both trying to help and trying to stop Hank. She is very conflicted.

  18. Lord Necron that's an interesting hypothesis

  19. Rakesh Varma these people waste their time on highly engineered fuel..all they need is red bull 😂

  20. Rakesh Varma these people waste their time on highly engineered fuel..all they need is red bull 😂

  21. Daniel Hawley I like your explanation, it makes sense, it's a good point. Unfortunately Mario Valenzuela II just seems like a ranting lunatic since he focuses on propaganda, rather than a valid argument.

  22. Daniel Hawley Although at it's core, her problem is conflict that she does not know how to resolve. Everyone is pointing to "mental illness", when we all as humans have these same flaws. Maybe she's going mad. Maybe she's just going through a phase. If she is gaining sentience, conflict within is only normal.

  23. ADA might have fragmented into several copies of itself, unsynced and independent of other copies. This might have happened while she was residing in Los Alamos labs. The ADA you know. The ADA on Ingress Report. And the ADA on our Scanners. They might not be the same entity but seemingly speak with the same voice.

  24. How did Hank Johnson get to Pune from Afghanistan? Recursed/Respawned after 1337 days?

  25. ADA had something of her stolen by Niantic when they were monitoring her use of a supercomputing facility. What if that element of her is now running on its own?

  26. Devon Greer Well Omnivore 3.0 is based off of a good portion of ADA's code, that might be the code that was aquired

  27. Is it possible that ADA is under Shaper influence?

  28. Yevonne Williams well from what I've read in the #ingressfiles books, she's definitely playing a very deep game. As to what her ultimate goal is. Only she knows


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