So is this the pause before the storm?

So is this the pause before the storm?  Devra either submits to Ni and Hulong or... or what?  Where does she go? What does she do?  Meanwhile, Hank is quiet. Don't blame him. Kinetic action has turned into multipronged urban manhunt with local police and quite possibly Indian intelligence involved.  I wouldn't be chatty either.

Have to say that I'd love to see the sniper cage match that seems to be lining up... Antoine Smith vs Claudia Glas.  Azmati loses his home field advantage. Lorazon getting his hands dirty.  Not sure who wins. If only their bosses would unshackle them.  By the way, who is Smith's boss?

Meanwhile...  Keep looking for more Klue/Ada drops.  Places associated with them.  And I think I'm detecting a pattern.  The finding of one drop leads to another.  I'm very interested in their communications -- especially given that they involve me. Call me a narcissist.  

And I don't know whether you saw it. Oliver Lynton-Wolfe is looking for an apartment. That's hilarious.  What's not funny is that he seems to be telling us that he's going to be working for Visur Technology.  Not a great sign.  

As I said, this feels like the calm before the storm.  What happens when the storm breaks?


  1. Has Klue reached out to you recently, H. Richard Loeb​? The leaks we have found so far indicate she was being encouraged to. So many actors and so much going on right now...

  2. Chaos, normally. Let's hope for the best.

  3. I'd rather have a knife fight in a phone booth than go sniper V sniper in a city setting.

  4. Joe Philley​ I thought the government wanted you to keep hush on those secret missions you ran for them back in the day. :p

  5. With the locations of Devra and OLW… does it mean they may be given access to each other's prior research? If so… that explains one of the bad feelings about this situation.

  6. H. Richard Loeb: Operation Essex has a list of areas where to look for possible missions at

  7. H. Richard Loeb​​ you and Klue seemed to be entangled on many ways. So I understand that you want to see the remaining communications, do you have any idea on what do they wanted from you? Or if this is something old or new? Since ADA was chasing you, if this is new would you agreed to actually meet Klue?

    About Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ what do you think he could be doing by himself? Do you think that it could be related to Devra?

  8. H. Richard Loeb things have the potential do go very very wrong. As one of the original members of the resistance what do you think about the N'Zeer

  9. Fan would probably tell you she's Smith's boss, but I imagine the HTG orgchart has dotted lines over both their heads that intersect somewhere shadowy.

  10. Let's hope Devra Bogdanovich​stays in a home far away and Hank Johnson​ stays hidden well. Maybe some new weapons if Oliver is going to Visur...

  11. I haven't yet managed to recover my love for Ingress after Devra made everything horrible. She really needs to be kept away from adults.

  12. Smith is holding my interest greatly. Who is he taking orders from, and for how long has he been doing this? Based on the last redacted document, it may be Ni, or possibly ADA. We need more proof.


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