WHERE HAS DR. WRIGHT BEEN, ANYWAY?  Haven't heard from him in a disturbing amount of time?  Did he try and make contact with Devra and something go awry?  (I've dug up a lot but I've never learned the reality of that relationship).  I'm beginning to suspect that they don't know that reality either.  Did one of his strange visitors, or 'watchers' finally take him out of the equation?  One thing I'm here to tell you is that the old phrase is true, 'just because you're paranoid doesn't mean somebody isn't following you.  Wright spawned Essex. That makes him both very dangerous and very valuable to all sorts of interest.


  1. Urbanatti!  That might be a tactical arm of Wright's Organization. They're the ones who go out and do the 'kinetic operations.'

  2. Yes it is worrying that Edgar Allan Wright has been out of touch for so long... H. Richard Loeb what can you tell us about Dr Wright and his past.? It is a mystery to all of us and understanding it may be the key to finding him..

  3. Last time we saw Wright, he was thinking of picking up a scanner and going into the field.  I remember Flint saying he saw a mysterious figure approach him at SDCC. It was most likely Wright, but could have also been someone using the Tycho pen name.  We have theorized previously that Tycho could be many people.  I wonder what his studies in the field have brought him.  i fear for his safety though.  He always seems to have visitors, and he's an easy target for the NIA.

  4. This is such a shadowy world that I'm not sure whether it was Wright or somebody I was supposed to believe is Wright.  Didn't get to talk to him.  We need an internal Essex verification question.

  5. Mustafa Said... Was it you who was the last to knock on Dr. Wright's door? 😉

  6. Wright is... safe, at least to the degree that any of us are these days. He's good at disappearing when he doesn't want to be found, and he always resurfaces when the coast is clear. H. Richard Loeb, why the sudden interest? And how long do you plan to keep stalling on certain other (and more pressing) topics of discussion?

  7. Dr. Wright did post after SDCC about his encounter with someone who he believed to be Tycho, but that's the last I recall.

  8. Seems like someone's been trying to poke into our business

  9. H. Richard Loeb
    Paranoia is a powerful bloom, but it's a waste of energy.
    If people are out to get someone, they will eventually catch up to them, regardless of any precautions taken

  10. What if Edgar is a pen name for a character who we all know. All those leaks have to come from someone... Perhaps Edgar's true identity is in the spot light and the pen name is hard to use when being focused upon.

  11. It's typical to hear from EAW about once a week. It's been about two weeks since we've heard from him last. This is by no means the longest he's been absent for.

  12. Wright's connection to Devra Bogdanovich was based on a statement made to ADA by Dr Bogdanovich. The nature of that relationship and her animosity have always been vague.

  13. Jose Ramirez is right two weeks is aweful short time to assume something bad has happened to him, even in the shadowy world of xm. He could well have gone to ground fearing an imminent strike and hasn't felt safe enough to resurface yet. Fact of the matter is unless the net has closed around him completely two weeks is not a point of concern. Do you know something we don't H. Richard Loeb?

  14. H. Richard Loeb you were gone for a long time too once. Give some insight to why you are inclined to jump to your conclusion.

  15. I thought wright spoke with us recently in the last month?
    He seemed rushed.

  16. Assume you are being watched all the times by all sorts of people and learn to be ok with it. It reduces the anxieties of being paranoid but keeps you sharp enough to keep you riding for another day.

  17. Mario Valenzuela II i think i. mayknow the second body.

  18. The Blackhorse23 Files you raise an awfully disturbing thought there.

  19. Matt newman hey I don't feel super fuzzy about this myself, and I am going based on some observations made recently on leaked footage of Roland's "Treatment" and That there appeared to be two bodies being carted off screen. Before A healthier RJ appeared after whatever miracle SuiNecroPhagic process happened off screen. Whatever happened there, was supposed to be kept quiet to an point that- well- you saw the footage...

  20. Sia Abderezai I don't fault you for a theory, particularly not a good one. Yes it is quite possible Edgar Allan Wright was in one of those body bags and though we have no way of knowing what happened beyond the scope of the cameras we have the fact that azmati was involved suggests to me a 13magnus ritual. Perhaps a rudimentary picture of the ritual itself can be gleened from what went in and what came out but I'm not hopeful with how little the video shows. Perhaps its better not to know the specifics of what happened but one thing is for certain, we need to know who was in those body bags.

  21. Matt newman Well... I didn't really get to eye the second body, but my guess is if there was ONE body, it would have been very well Roland Jarvis 's first incarnation. But I'll give you another freebie: when everybody goes off screen the footage of the Camera suddenly cuts 4 times... in about 5 minute internals. You want to speak rituals? Well, that should be one we all should be pretty accustomed to by now.... Osiris was brought back through a Black Rite After all if we want to go spooky old school...

  22. The Blackhorse23 Files Jarvis's first incarnation is more likely then Hank Johnson's body ( I've heard that theory kicked around as well but I doubt theres enough left to fit in a shoebox let alone a body bag) but that's still not verifiable information. We need to wait for more evidence to come out in that vein. Setting that aside there's an aspect of this that rings very heavily of old tales of dark magic, two lives to save one does sound very dramatic and ritualistic after all, perhaps I'll have a poke around old death rituals and the like to see if I can't find a parallel. I'm starting to believe however that the bodies acted as a source of chaotic matter, the fire mentioned by Oliver Lynton-Wolfe in a hulong intercept obtained earlyer by Niantic Project, I can link you the post if you like.

  23. +Matt newman please, by all means do. feel free connect to Both my page and regular plus account and look around for whatever might be of interest. Before even getting involved with NIA ops, subject matter like magic, occult, artifacts, metaphysical breaks and linguistics has become a sort of second hand nature for me. "Two to Die" is a very common type of theme that transcends cultures and timespaces. and Chaotic XM, while I wish I had access to more data serves a very unique purpose and has its uses from my understanding of it, which is why I think both factions will have to at some point come to serious terms with in how to allocate the balance and recurring flow of exotic matter from ordered to chaotic to neutral. Doctor Bogdanovich's attempt at saving humanity from XM's danger as well intentioned as it were was very misguided, and if anything may have put us in more risk by hindering the natural flow of XM in and out of our world. We can't change the past of our species where we currently stand, and due to our history and even current conditions, some XM will inadvertently be of a very chaotic variety (think prisons, mental intitutions, parks with a lot of criminal activity etc) but not all chaotic XM is necessarily of a twisted or dark bent (comic book stores, raves, college campuses) - what we ARE capable of however is the ability to reconcile our past by learning about it and mitigating the repetition of tragic spikes, and channel that creative XM to clear the way or help shape our present order into something akin to music, or art, etc. The more of our collective past is reconciled and prevented from affecting the present, the more "ordered" XM is left to help build and create a better future. we determine this by choosing to either input more resonators on portals or to constantly wipe and destroy with bursters. that's my theory at least. as for the "fire" as explained by doctor wolf... well, I think that will need a lot more talking than i feel I am welcomed to on mr Loebs wall. but keep these concepts in mind: the slit experiment, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, The death Osiris by Set , his reincarnation and "remembering" by ISIS, the birth of Horus, and Apep's return and the role Set plays in keeping the universe from swallowing itself. I apologize if everything is too ranty here but it's 3 in the morning. hope you stay in touch, and if you come across anyone from Visur before I do, send them my way, it's about the Capsules, and a possible modification that can change how we interact with portals forevet ;) Stay safe out in the Mind Fields, Agent!

  24. Any word from Edgar Allan Wright  and I too am always curious about the relationship between Dr. Wright and Devra Bogdanovich


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