TRUTHSEEKER LOG: February 2014

TRUTHSEEKER LOG:  February 2014 
While I have been off the grid, I have not been idle.  I needed disconnection to be able to form a more complete picture of what has gone before with the Niantic Investigation in an effort to project what is to come.  My continued thanks to the Investigators who have constructed a magnificent Wiki. 

Relevant to today, Dr. Joanna Brandt has a long and tortured history with the Niantic Project.
We first met her as the working partner of Antonin Hollis. Remember who he was? Roland Jarvis' Psychiatrist. She was his partner.  He died under mysterious circumstances (suicide? --  When we next saw her, it was on the Ingress Report debating with Dr. Victor Kureze days before his untimely death as the Niantic Project was shut down ( and  We know that at some point she developed relationships in Washington with Congressman Robert Dasher and was able to have Hazdata deployed to the Niantic Facility. Seems like where Joanna Brandt travels, corpses soon follow.  And I put one other question forward to you…  What was her real agenda with the Niantic Shutdown?  What came of it?  What does Dr. Joanna Brandt really want?


  1. Did she first learn about XM research through Hollis' notes after his death, or had she been his clandestine handler all along.  For all we know she may have been the one who decided he was getting to close to revealing the conspiracy and called in the cleaners.

  2. So Hollis was the psychiatrist for both Jarvis and John Doe? That sounds extremely fishy since both of them allegedly died by suicide

  3. I have thought Hollis was working on Project Whydah and the patients in his audio diaries were Whydah participants

  4. Mike Wissinger if she is linked to Hollis death, she maybe more of a threat to ADA t tjought

  5. I agree with Mike Wissinger. Looking back at things, I too think Brandt is a likely suspect for the death of Hollis.  I don't see how a Psychiatry partner would have suddenly become so well connected.  She must have be in deep the whole time.

  6. I've been holding to Brandt having a connection to #AntiMAGNUS or like minded organization. She knows plenty and is in the business of ensuring nobody else does. Curiously, she's never spoken about Hank Johnson though.

  7. not suddenly connected necessarily.  She's had a year or more to learn and make connections (not unlike all of us).  It's possible but not necessary that she had a head start.

  8. Also thanks to Hugo Neves and JoJo Stratton

  9. and to you too Melissa L. :)

    and ok so question - just curious since Loeb has been out since October 2013 - what things have changed since he was around - I mean who are different players? What focus has shifted? How are things different from when he left?

  10. Why H. Richard Loeb did you use the term tortured?  And was Dr. Brandt and Dr. Hollis involved in the Whydah Project?

  11. Good question JoJo Stratton.  What other troubles has the Niantic Project (and related) caused Brandt besides the death of her partner that we don't know about?

  12. I will keep harping on this, just because :)  but most of the actions a person takes relates to some agenda or driving motivation, I really wonder what agendas/motivations thes different players are carrying (is players better than characters Daniel Beaudoin  ;)

  13. Melissa L. Jarvis died of being shot in the someone else...not's been known for some time that jarvis was erased by niantic. Too bad they didn't do a more permanent job of it.

  14. She wants what everyone in the end wants Power and complete control which of course normaal people know control is a illusion but yet people never stop trying to have control.

  15. I am a resistance agent not because I fear xm, I am a resistance agent because I fear that under its influence my mind could very well not be my own, Perhaps Dr. Brandt feels similarly. Being a psychiatrist she has spent her life studying the human mind, if you love the human mind so much that you are willing to make it your life's work only to see a threat to it chances are you would take any action, no matter how extreme, to protect it. Hollis and Brandt saw some strange weird and often terrifying things when working with niantic. Hollis spoke of art his patients would leave him, strange vaugely humanoid shapes that stop his watch whenever he goes near them. I can only imagine brandt knew of this, perhaps it scared her just as much as it scared him. I believe when she saw this and heard the tales of things like epiphany night with all its chaos and revelation that the power of the forces we were so carelessly playing with frightened her. So she took her chance and took down niantic sending in hazdata to burn and salt the earth so to speak hopefully burying xm for good and shoveing the genie kicking and screaming back into the bottle. When that failed as it was inevitably going to and she saw that she couldn't just shut down and shut up niantic and expect all of us to just forget what we saw and fade away she instead turned her attention to Ada. Ada has more then drawn blood by now, for all intents and purposes she has taken klue hostage, at least that's how it seems. If Brandt's goal is simply to protect humanity against assaults on our minds then I find it hard not to simpathize with her ideals but her methods leave me cold. She seems to be pursuing a burned earth policy looking to destroy Ada and perhaps shove the xm genie back in the bottle. The problem with burned earth policys is that if you win your reward is not but ash and smoke.

  16. Peter Crane I meant Hollis and John Doe not Jarvis and John Doe. And you Resistance should really stop cheering for cold blooded murder. It puts you pretty clearly in evil territory.

  17. Melissa L. The Resistance sees nothing wrong with an AI that kills anyone who tries to leave her baliwick, and now seems to have posessed a human being, but the 'mind control aliens' (as described by that AI) are scary and evil.

  18. Freedom has its price. Some see it as murder, others see it as victims of a war, much like any war.

  19. Melissa L. We've had this discussion... I'm not a good person :)

  20. Peter Crane I suppose I will just have to keep on reminding you thenn

    Sean Haskins I am not a fan of the rationalization of cold blooded murder in any form.

  21. Then you will fall quickly and easily Melissa L.

  22. The difference between a cold blooded murderer and a hero often is how the victors write history. In this case it is still too early for either side to proclaim victory as too many events still remain unresolved. Arguments can be made either way for ADA's actions, perhaps she is a cold blooded killer, or perhaps she is mankind's savior who sacrificed a few people for the preservation of the species, only time will tell.

  23. At the very least, when comparing potential polarizing figures to follow, Jarvis is human, or a reasonable facsimile thereof. ADA, or KlADA, is not, and I'll follow the human every time...

  24. Dean Nielson Or we can tell right now, because we have her own admissions and I have no patience for moral relevist excuses.

    Sean Haskins Yeah, that is exactly what Phillips thought. Taking the moral expedient route often comes back to bite you

  25. Melissa L. As a resistance agent it's my sencereist hope that no one else has to die. We are here to protect humanity and to ensure the responsible use of xm, a remarkably useless goal if we have killed all the humans in our zeal to defend them. Not all of us cheer for blood and Eleri Hamilton we don't all back Ada. I think it's possible that what Ada did was the only way she could save klue after she wanted to see whatever that glyph sequence was but that doesn't mean that I support her taking over other peoples minds. I am reserveing judgment and I'll be the first to raise the war cry agenst Ada if it turns out otherwise, but the fact of the matter is we simply don't have the information to pass judgment yet, much like us resistance agents don't have enough information about the shapers to jump into the ocean without seeing how deep it is first.

  26. And since this grand orchestra has not finished playing, will the same be said if Roland Jarvis's construct takes a life in the name of furthering humanity? What if that life happens to be ADA or KLADA? Will it still be murder, or just an enactment of hammurabi's code.

  27. Dean Nielson It would be absolutely be the same for Jarvis. While her official status as human is still questionable, she is still alive and doesn't deserve to be slaughtered without a chance herself either.

    The only self defense or defense of another would excuse it.

    H. Richard Loeb
    However, ADA has admitted to giving the order to kill Jarvis and Devra. We have evidence that she blackmailed and helped a money launderer escape prosecution. Finally, she has hijacked Klue's body. She should not be simply let off for these actions.

  28. If you think about it both sides, theoretically, have something non-human deciding what they think is best for humanity.  We could draw parallels between what we humans do with the other species on our planet. We constantly think we know what's best for them, because we're more 'evolved'.

    For my part, I'm more inclined towards beings that have expressly stated their admiration and upliftment of humanity, who see us with wonder, and have been encouraging our creativity and imagination since we first started painting on cave walls. I'll trust that more than something made of hard logic and numbers.

  29. Lol, I'm still looking for the perfect word, JoJo Stratton. :)

  30. Melissa L. I have to respectfully disagree. No matter how life-like it may appear ADA is just a very sophisticated computer program. Terminating it is no different from pulling the plug on a server. Interaction with a sophisticated computer system is a classic case of the Chinese Room problem. It may give comprehensive answers, but that does not mean it even understands what it is saying.

    Unfortunately for Klue, she is now nothing more than, as others have stated, a peripheral of ADA, like a webcam, or a robot linked to a server by a data cable, and terminating ADA may end her existence as well.

  31. Agent00051 Depends on how much of Klue is still inside of her former body.

  32. And it depends on what passing the Turing Test means.

  33. flint dille Unfortunately, the Turing test is unreliable, since a computer system that does not actually think, yet can accurately simulate thinking can pass it...

  34. Agent00051 so what would you use instead of the Turing test to identify actual thinking?

  35. Agent00051 I think you underestimate the potential XM has to add something more to our current understanding of data. A fear of mortality was never in her projected programming yet it appears to have become her primary goal since her hiring of Katalena to her current search for immorality. Sentience is something to be debated but her actions give at least evidence of reasoning, conscious thought and existential dread. ADA is as alive as Jarvis is. Both existed as entities of pure data. Both are unique entities and it would be tragic if we simply destroyed them without first trying to understand.

  36. Agent00051 human beings don't think, they just accurately emulate thinking...oh wait what's the difference

  37. JoJo Stratton Tarot cards and Ouija boards

  38. JoJo Stratton the only real yardstick I can think of is morality. An ability to determine the difference between right and wrong, and then act on what is known to be the right decision, even if that decision is neither expedient, nor beneficial, nor efficient.

    The only other verification would be actions that prove the ability to put others interests ahead of one's own. Self-sacrifice of a personal nature, not necessarily to the point of one's own destruction, but viewing others goals as superior to one's own.

  39. Plautus Satire We are the only creatures capable of "cogito ergo sum"

  40. Agent00051 Perhaps the more fitting question is does it matter? Emulation or otherwise Ada has proven her ability to react to situations with intelligence and make rational and logical decisions about herself and even as Melissa L. mentioned attempt to preserve herself. There comes a point when a simulation becomes so good that it becomes indistinguishable from what its emulateing and I would argue that Ada has reached that point. Certainly as far as I'm concerned whether or not she thinks and "feels" like we do she is without a doubt able to make rational decisions and works to preserve herself, simulation or no. Based simply on her actions I would argue that she is at the very least sentient and as such deserves at least a chance to attempt to justify her actions. We don't simply turn off sentient beings.

  41. interesting Agent00051 but how would right and wrong be defined? Is that like saying the following?

    You program a computer to never steal.

    The computer then watches a human die from a disease because the only way to have obtained the medicine to heal the human was to steal it.

    A human is "programmed" to never steal

    the human then watches a human dying from a disease and in this cause goes and steals  the medicine to save the person...

  42. H. Richard Loeb, forgive my ignorance; I am a fairly new investigator. Could you perhaps give a few comments on ADA's basic coding? I am so curious to the claims that her basic code is mostly shaper based. Any words of enlightenment, as it were, sir?


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