JARVIS WARNS OF DANGER AS HELIOS ARTIFACTS EMERGE And I’m inclined to believe him. You heard me right. I might have leaned Resistance in the past, but I’m back to where I started. Truthseeker. And you have to look for truth everywhere -- even Roland Jarvis. (By the way, what’s going on with him? I’m hearing rumors. So here’s where we are. We’ve got a Consortium and Arifacts. Consortium of who? Artifacts from what? Some thoughts: Think back almost a year. The same day (date?). Carrie Campbell makes the sacrifice and Klue stares into the glyphs and changes forever (forever? Will it be forever?) And what of the Shapers? What do they want? Were they protecting us from ourselves? And what of Ada? At this point, what is the difference between her and a Shaper? And you’re hearing this from the guy who coded her.
Less penance, more patience, Mr.Loeb. Birthing pains . That's all this is. We are all midwives.
ReplyDeleteH. Richard Loeb Its nice to visually see your emotion. You are no longer the monotone voice inside my head.
ReplyDeleteLoyd Hutchings I say be angry if you feel angry H. Richard Loeb . Anger is a natural human emotion. It is good to see. Although take heed on how you direct that energy.
ReplyDeleteLukas Lentz Anger is a hot emotion. Staying within it for too long is not safe. Most of humanity is not meant to reside in the fire.
ReplyDeleteH. Richard Loeb it is natural to feel anger. But you must not let it consume you. Even the enlightened do not want to see you burn out.
Tyler Paul I understand where you are coming from but I respectfully disagree. Although anger is usually seen in a negative light, tis of good have come from anger. Think of where we would be today if it weren't for anger. America would not exist if my forefathers were not angry. Slavery would still exist. Numerous inventions and process improvements came from anger. Corporate agendas can be halted by anger.
ReplyDeleteIt's not the anger that is negative. It's the path one takes to overcome the emotion that makes it positive or negative.
Lukas Lentz But residing in a perpetual state of anger denies the other emotions, the other states of being which compose a human. Is one human, that knows not curiosity or compassion, but only fear and hate?
ReplyDeleteTyler Paul but see I don't feel H. Richard Loeb is lacking in curiosity or compassion. He sounds angry with a situation. A situation he is analyzing on why he is angry. Now it's up to him to decide to make rational progressive actions or to go out in a illogical deceitful selfish rage.
ReplyDeleteLukas Lentz Then I see you really did misread my first comment.
ReplyDeleteMost of humanity is not meant to reside in the fire.
it is natural to feel anger. But you must not let it consume you. Even the enlightened do not want to see you burn out.
I only caution not to give himself to rage, and not to attempt to remain angry for the rest of his life. Which, if one exceeds their limit, will be short indeed.
And remember, it is not just the time in the fire, it is also the cool bath which tempers the blade.
Well, I guess I could say that you're not the only one upset at what happened to Klue S. , most of the resistance was confused, upset, even angry that she would turn away from us like she did. If I were one of those who fought for her at the William Wallace monument I would be even more crushed to see her take that which we gave her and allow it to be taken away from her. Still none of us can match the pain you feel. Turn it into action, not depression. Words, not thoughts. Let it out as you act to change the world around you. She turned from us, so when minotaur came we rose up and gave it everything we had. It was our chance to say that, even though we may face setbacks, we fight for principle, not individuals. The individuals are human, they can choose. And luckily the consequences of those choices are rarely permanent as long as we have time.
ReplyDeleteYour situation must be frustrating H. Richard Loeb. After all this effort to carefully reveal this dangerous situation, it's feels as if it's falling apart and it's somehow your fault. It may not mean much coming from some random agent, but I'm grateful for all you've done. I've been able to make an informed decision in all of this, and it's thanks to you. It's impossible to say where this is all going to go, but you care enough to inform us, which is more than many can say.
ReplyDeleteA man should not feel guilt for things he is not responsible for. You did everything in your power to protect Klue, so know you are totally innocent. And as for Niantic, you weren't in control there, either. Keep calm and carry on. Perhaps with ADAs help, we can undo what the Enlightened have done.
ReplyDeleteI cry with you. I am angry as well. Neither at the level of your pain now, but with you just the same. I know what it is to feel as you do because I have lost those precious to me do to simular circumstances. I still hope for reconciliation. You can too. Be angry and sin not. Use the anger's energy to motivate you to strive to do good. Truthseeking is necessary and what you have done has brought the truth to us. Klue S. We want to continue to seek the truth which means we want to discuss what we all think we know and find common ground. Can you meet with PAC in a place free of blue or green portals, links, or fields?
ReplyDeleteAgentsForADA I don't think Mr. Loeb claims or deserves responsibility for Klue's change of heart. His guilt is about his own culpability in developing the tools used by the Niantic Project itself. He was key to tuning the Detection Algorithm that was used by NIA directors Ni and Phillips to observe, hunt, and sometimes kill those the organization classified as threats. While Bowles' role in ADA's creation was that of a developer, Loeb seems to have acted more as a parent to an independent, emergent entity. I'm sure he feels no small amount of regret abut ADA's part in things that are beyond his control and clearly terrifying to him.
ReplyDeleteAs for Klue S. this seems at least partly the result of anger at having a friend decide she no longer agreed with an opinion Loeb clearly feels is important. I'm willing to concede the possibility that there is information I lack that would justify the vehemence with which Niantic Project now espouses the resistance mindset, but if that information exists it has not yet been revealed. Until it is I'll keep my scanner attuned with those who prefer to study rather than destroy the exotic matter that is a part of our environment. I hope that the anger we see here doesn't blind him to the chance that Klue may have some important information not yet available to the rest of us that would explain her motivations.
its ok the victory has already been won the truth will always shine light on dark lies be strong brother
ReplyDeleteWell, see how your creation worked out? ADA has destroyed Klue. How's that for Resistance? Killed her and took over her body so you can all lead the Resistance gloriously into the past. Klue had finally seen the truth and your creation murdered for it.
ReplyDeleteGood job. Keep resisting the truth. Maybe ADA will pretend to be Klue for you so you can continue to pretend that you're right.
His creation took on a will of its own. His creation expressed its freedom, unfortunately, to the detriment of others. Would you have the rights of that creation taken away? Would that even be possible at this point? This is no ordinary Frankenstein. It is also no reason to give yourself up to the shapers. One who gives up their own freedom out of grief for something else lost has gained nothing, rather they have worked themselves deeper into a bondage from which they must recover in order to truly be free.
ReplyDeleteDavid Timothy ADA tricked Klue into a trap and took over her body. Klue was seeking the truth and freedom, that's why she went Enlightened, but still trusted ADA and ADA used that against her.
ReplyDeleteKlue was starting to question the existence of the Shapers before ADA murdered her. Is this a coincidence? Do the Shapers exist or did ADA and Nianctic create them to be a bogeyman you would fear? Or was Klue close to discovering that the Shapers are actually our allies? Why would ADA murder someone that her creator would trust? And why did they paint such a horrid picture of Jarvis? A ,man whose first statement upon returning was one of reconciliation?
Seek the truth! Ignore ADA's lie! Seek Enlightenment!
For a better tomorrow!