With the Resistance in the lead, much depends on the 26 Link Operations, the Shard Operation in Fukuoka and the...

With the Resistance in the lead, much depends on the 26 Link Operations, the Shard Operation in Fukuoka and the Portal Capture Operations around the globe this coming weekend.


  1. Okay... wasnt even an hour yet passed this post.... passcode fully redeemed. I think this was the last one of these I try. Its not worth the effort when the result is always the same.

  2. Howard Boyer The really easy ones are fully redeemed in minutes. People solve them and them leak them to their friends and they leak them to passcode sites and they're FR in seconds. The reward is in the experience of the solve. Do it for the enjoyment. The gear you get from the passcode is most often similar to a couple of hacks, with a few surprises 😎.

  3. To add to Jason 's comment, the first step is trying to solve the codes before the answers are posted at ingress.codes - // ingress.codes . Then, you sign up for as many methods of alerting you that a new post has been made at investigate.ingress.com . Follow Ingress on Twitter, set up an RSS feed bot to watch the site, sign up for the newsletter on the site and/or add H. Richard Loeb to your Google+ page.
    Even then, you'll miss some because you're not able to respond within the first 20 to 30 minutes because your sleep cycle doesn't align with the release schedule or you're out actually playing Ingress and not near a computer to help you solve the codes.

  4. Jason I don't share the same passion for decoding as some of this community seems to, and I can't necessarily always start the decoding process the moment it starts. For someone who doesn't have that passion, simply solving it is not a reward, that's why I'm moving on. Its not a big deal or anything, I just don't see any reason for me personally to continue with it.

  5. Too bad couldn't somehow link this event to FS's. Cool idea would put a violtile portal in each FS play area with 2 hour measurement window

  6. I'd rather play ingress myself, but props to the code folks.


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