I wonder if this place, like many others we know of, could have been under the control of an ancient society like...

I wonder if this place, like many others we know of, could have been under the control of an ancient society like 13MAGNUS or AntiMagnus.


  1. Let's not forget the first level 8 portal recorded in the modern scanner was at Rodin's The Gates of Hell on Stanford's campus.

  2. Well, according to this "thinking path", i suppose also other "oracles" around the globe can be seen like 13Magnus power sites.
    I think, plus, can be a deep connection that link faith loci and power node.
    The empatich, psichic, mental connection between human being can create portals - like the Portal of Mind, that H. Richard Loeb know very well - and of course modify existing "special" places being portals.

    So, yes. The Plutonium was surely under someone control. But i dont think we can stop thinking on 2 opposite groups.

    Following, the original image tanned in red by PAC.

    About the image, Pluto with his wife Proserpina/Persefone, on the left. Ade/Pluto can be recognized from his helm of invisibility.
    On the centre, Cerbero, the 3headed dog, seen into the Acona grotto (near Mariandine, on the Black Sea), one of the Underworld passages.
    On the right, the Gorgons.

  3. Before Mystery, After Knowledge. even the Romans should have understood the effect from working in deep mines. unc.edu - Roman Deep-vein Mining shows that several sources described the effects of suffocating and methods to test for good air in the shafts, mentioning animals being killed inside mines and lowering a lamp into a shaft to test for safety. The report describes lamps being found near the Gate, they might have been used to test for toxic gas being present and in which height and not just to light up the place in the night.

  4. This is amazing. And i wonder what Lightman and Nagasa's take on this is.
    About your question, Henry, talk to Hank or Jahan. They would know best what it is like to control an Ancient Society.


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