Hearing some chatter about this.

Hearing some chatter about this... details are sparse, but I've learned that a new RPE (Remote Participation Experiment -- a special kind of event that some have likened to a Role Playing Game) will unfold in Chicago on February 10th. The RPE will take…


  1. What about Anomaly dates? What about an event like this in Europe?

  2. Sven W​ This is happening because the Chicago Resistance is sponsoring the event and they asked for an RPE, just like how several Agents in Boulder sponsored the a exo5 RPE.

  3. Mario Valenzuela II what does sponsoring mean? do we have to pay niantic to get one? who do we need to ask to get one? what are the requirements? why is all this so intransparent? And when do we get to know anomaly dates?

  4. Sven -- hit me up in Telegram @theredseven or Hangouts. I'll be happy to explain.

  5. Josh Stock so you know when and where the next anomalies are? ;)

    thanks for the offer but i actually don't whant to know all the details to organise this, i want niantic to be more transparent with players on their own. when i'm in need of getting a direct line to niantic i just ask my wife, she's poc for our area.

  6. Josh Stock​​​ some ENL would like to know if the scavemger hunt is RES only since we know the RPE will be cross faction because its an official event.

  7. Mario Valenzuela II The scav hunt is mostly intended for Res agents in/around Chicagoland. That's why I came up with the idea in the first place--without formal events, I figured I'd run a thing. But I'm not gonna turn anyone away.

    I will say though, some of the ScavHunt items are going to be very difficult for ENL players/teams to accomplish. They may be at a points disadvantage...but if they want to come have fun, sure!

    And yes, obviously the RPE is open to all. Or...however many Niantic is able to host. Or something. (Details are hazy. Soon. Anything is Possible. Insert other Niantic truism here. ;p )

  8. Josh Stock​​, good to know.

    We try to get as many players involved as possible, even if it means players doubling up to control a character. That said, I may be seeing you at one of the tables. (I'm one of the GMs for the session). :)

  9. Weeeeee let's see do I want to drive or take a train..... hmmmm where's the sign-up sheet?

  10. That's kinda cool. Those dice are flawed, however; they don't match.

  11. Debora O.​ You could; howeverbringing in tooany spare dice may not be necessary (unless you are handed a cursed die... πŸ˜‡)

  12. Well you know how the bot hates my character

  13. Yeah, but you will be selecting your die at random... From the bag o' dice. Spoiler alert, some may be cursed. ( One player in Boulder asked for a new die after consistently failing rolls, so his old die is in the bag spreading bad luck.)

  14. I find it strange that these events are organized every 3 months...

  15. Michelle Smith​​​ do you mean you find it odd that the RPEs have been happening once per quarter? It makes sense considering that each may or may not be tied to a specific anomaly cycle. πŸ˜‹

  16. Is it res only or cross fraction it's sound like fun

  17. πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹πŸ™‹

  18. Brandon Snyder​ Tony Schimmel​

  19. Brad Zwick RPE is xf. The scavhunt is mostly RES focused.

  20. Carmen Johnson​ there is no badge, only the satisfaction that you participated in something related to the story's lore which few will ever get to experience.

  21. Josh Stock​​​ I need someone to do some leg work for me. :) Can you or someone check if G-Mart has wifi?

    Also ask if its possible a 360 of the gaming space. I need some intel.

  22. Mario Valenzuela II check your TG.


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