Fascinating story about a vanished civilization in the Cyclades (off the coast of mainland Greece).

Fascinating story about a vanished civilization in the Cyclades (off the coast of mainland Greece)... Its builders had created an incredibly advanced city... one with sophisticated metallurgical skills, underground drainage systems and a pyramidal…


  1. Glyphs have created entire civilizations and they have also destroyed entire civilizations.

  2. People is what destroyed and what will destroy most civilizations...

  3. Personally I think it may be the workings of a group of malicious exogenous who want to wipe out civilizations as a way to spite the N'Zeer and Shapers becuase they don't want us to have nice things.

    Why? Because if the Shapers and N'Zeer want humanity as a servitor species, or a resource, it doesn't make sense that they would try to kill us all off.

  4. This civilization probably forgot about what's important, just like Ingress​ forgot that anomalies were important, it will share the same fate.

  5. James Haught​​​, First world problem. It"s likely that plans for a city or two fell through causing them to have to push back a febuary anomaly.

  6. I understand why you are reminded of the Civilization Self Destruct sequence. And perhaps the sequence and this event have correlation. It's highly possible.


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