A couple of men in dark suits began tailing me early yesterday.

A couple of men in dark suits began tailing me early yesterday. I went underground to try and lose them, but they kept picking up my scent. Deep in the city it's hard, if not impossible, to go off grid entirely. Cameras everywhere. Microphones. Eyes.


  1. H. Richard Loeb The second sentence in the 4th paragraph is incomplete, there is a verb missing. I'd assume that the missing word is "requested" or "demanded", would that be correct?

  2. Gerald Wolf or wrote down... 😉

  3. Laly O You're right. Thing is, we don't know whether they presented him with the information they already had and asked Richard to fill the gaps or whether they demanded him to re-tell the entire thing by himself.

  4. H. Richard Loeb​ does this have anything to do with your London trip?

  5. Henry, you're a very knowledgable man. You know that makes you a target for many agencies. Especially the NIA. Even in Hanks control. They know of the knowledge you have and they will get a hold of it. In this matter, I think your discussion of the Civilization Self Destruct sequence has someone's attention. Majorly. And that isn't exactly a good thing.
    You were beginning to think you can trust the NIA more then you did during Phillips' days. Hate to say it, no matter who controls the NIA, their operatives will never change from what the NIA used to be. They can not be trusted.

    You had mentioned a few days back that the NIA was going to be funding an RPE research project. And perhaps the NIA RPE Taskforce is the group handling it. But why they would want the informstion, I don't know.

    I think your in danger, Henry. Be safe. Please.


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