JARVIS WARNS OF DANGER AS HELIOS ARTIFACTS EMERGE And I’m inclined to believe him. You heard me right. I might have leaned Resistance in the past, but I’m back to where I started. Truthseeker. And you have to look for truth everywhere -- even Roland Jarvis. (By the way, what’s going on with him? I’m hearing rumors. So here’s where we are. We’ve got a Consortium and Arifacts. Consortium of who? Artifacts from what? Some thoughts: Think back almost a year. The same day (date?). Carrie Campbell makes the sacrifice and Klue stares into the glyphs and changes forever (forever? Will it be forever?) And what of the Shapers? What do they want? Were they protecting us from ourselves? And what of Ada? At this point, what is the difference between her and a Shaper? And you’re hearing this from the guy who coded her.
That suggests they're either simulacra or within the portal network. 🤔
ReplyDeleteTo me, Akira's answer makes her sound guilty. Which of course is possible. But I'm not going to jump to conclusions. I am wondering why she didn't say more..
ReplyDeleteThere seems to be something missing in this post... Odd.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I think Akira's suspect number one and if she's telling the truth, Hank's number two at this point.
ReplyDeleteBoth of them gained something from the deaths of Calvin and Phillips. Hank got the NIA when Phillips passed, Akira now has no one to stop her from being the new CEO of IQTech now that Calvin is gone.
So either both of them are guilty or one of them is.
I'll start with Akira. On August 31st, she reveals to Lorazon that she's now taking full control of the November Lima project: investigate.ingress.com - Improvements
Then on Sept. 10th, Ken Owen's body is found at the Kennedy Center: http://investigate.ingress.com/2017/09/10/body-found-is-it-ken-owen/
PAC and Hank make their way to DC in order to unravel the mystery of what happened to him and why. They discover that Owen was going rogue, leaking NL secrets to Visur Technology. (https://youtu.be/SVfNMZamLQc)
Moving forward, another leak gained from Richard reveals that Akira and Lorazon weren't even in DC when Owen died, they were in Shanghai(http://investigate.ingress.com/2017/10/02/a-snake-in-the-garden/) and then days later it is revealed that Lorazon switched over to Hulong Transglobal and also making it clear that Akira wants more than just NL under he belt. (http://investigate.ingress.com/2017/10/17/lorazon-jumps-ship/)
Then, Oct. 27th. The explosion at the NIA facility in DC. Hank reports that Calvin and Phillips are dead.
Ok, so...now, Hank. Unlike Akira, in the massive time between Owen's death and Calvin/Phillips, I can't provide any links to anything to showcase his intentions because they aren't available. That's not to mean they aren't there...one way or another, if Hank was involved in their deaths it'll end up on Investigate. The only thing that can put Hank in the spotlight is how he ended up being chosen to lead the NIA as its new Director following Phillips' death.
So what do I think, if that matters to anyone? I think Akira ordered 855 to eliminate Owen once she became aware that he was leaking secrets about her prize project to Visur and afterwards, moved to eliminate Calvin to secure her place as the most optimal candidate to lead IQTech Research. Phillips dying was nothing more than collateral damage, causing the NIA to temporarily go without leadership until Hank is summoned to Houston to meet with Shaw Henson and lead the NIA.
H. Richard Loeb at San Francisco you made sure to tell me you did not believe Akira was the one behind these murders, but you also did not say she wasn't involved. You also commented that whoever was behind these deaths may have been some one who disappeared, so...
ReplyDeleteLooking at these facts and now Akiras comment I have to wonder if there was another large benefit some ones gained that we don't know of. The people who we know gained power, (Hank, Akira, Devra) have not in fact disappeared recently so it leads me to believe there's some one else involved here....
Something to gain… go to my site to learning english for free H. Richard Loeb
ReplyDeleteOliver Lynton-Wolfe
ReplyDeleteHis research now is in the hands of an explorer. Should that explorer call up one of the Good Dr's disiples, like Akira to continue it and fix the tecthulhu (assuming it hasn't been fixed already by a group of RPErs), OLW will return to this node reaping the benifits of his scientific curiosity and the explorer's drive towards discovery and knowledge.
ReplyDeleteEveryone had something to gain from the deaths of these 3 men. Even you, H. Richard Loeb. Perhaps it's time to stop looking in that direction.
ReplyDeleteWould you look at thathttps://lh3.googleusercontent.com/lWxMjGaBBRq3Fn5_yOySyPRmoELNWWSBHP8viNawbSqd-BdKasV4niuVM3XmMzeM4za_xiPlFmbHwPo3ZjyW2tdswj3OQSyTHp1Y=s0
ReplyDeleteSomething to gain… Full tường nhé H. Richard Loeb
ReplyDeleteWhat Akira speaks is true. Intention and Motive are so important not only to a crime but to everything. She is also accusing herself of such statement. When Central Omnilytics question to Hank maybe it was just their "standard procedure" but it did indicate that Hank should be reviewed for he's now the head of N.I.A. holding such a huge power/resources in hand.
ReplyDeleteSo yes, one more vote for Mustafa Said and Yik Sheng Lee. Akira and Hank are the top-two suspects.
Turning people in to simulacra without their consent is evil, but Calvin did it. I put nothing past him or the depth of his machinations. That he might be a XM entity now may be far-fetched but that would be among the least crazy things we've witnessed in the last 5 years.
ReplyDeleteHank Johnson didn't end up where he is by accident. I think Calvin placed him there after grooming him for years but I wouldn't put a murder past a merc who keeps secrets. Most people would be more upset about the passing of a key mentor...unless they already knew they were going to/had died. He has OLW's research in his hands and whatever he read in that tainted library in his head. I don't think this bit of intrigue ends without at least some splatter landing on his shoes.