My conversation with Misty at the Castle comes to an end...

My conversation with Misty at the Castle comes to an end...


  1. Transcript :)
    Misty : "It's starting all over again isn't it?"
    PAC: "Yes.. I think it is."
    Misty: "If that's the case I want you to have this."
    PAC: " what do you think we'll all do differently this time?"
    Misty: "I don't know"
    Misty: "You'll know what to do with this when the time's right. Thank you for coming P.A"
    PAC: "Nice to see you Misty"
    Misty. :"I hope to see you again soon."
    PAC : "Me too."

  2. "It's starting all over again"
    "What do you think we'll all do differently this time?"

    Best case scenario:

    - They know something is about to be reset (Time Zero). Might be their memories. Might be reality. Might be ADA.

    - They think what follows isn't set and that they can make different decisions.

    - The -blank- piece of paper has something to jog his memory or instructions.

    - That's going to make him remember that backdoor that may or may not exist in ADA. Assuming ADA won't fix it before this happens, the backdoor would effectively be a zero-day exploit and ADA is going down because it didn't deploy a patch.

  3. It could also be that the Magnus is reforming again

  4. Mario Valenzuela II

    But will there be puppies?

  5. Ishira Tsubasa​

    That would be a very bad idea, trying to form another Magnus. Which makes it an entirely plausible possibility.

    What Misty and ADA would do differently would be of interest only because they were released from the last Magnus. Richard might have a change of heart knowing what he did led to people being simulacra but his actions since then show his concern for the aftereffects of human experimentation is low.

    No good is going to come from any of this.

  6. It wouldn't surprise me if a new artificial magnus was being formed... Especially after the Fate of the 13. The question would be who is the Patron? My money would be on Oliver Lynton-Wolfe​ or Akira

  7. Kobalt Blues​​​. I also agree that making a new magnus is a bad idea especially since we already fought over it and the enlightened decided to kill the Niantic MAGNUS dead.

    I hope this time if we are fighting over who gets in that they actually tell us they want to be in the magnus. I don't want to force them into the recursion machine nor do I feel right about forcing a change in their alignment a 3rd or 4th time. We got to let people have free will and not make them slaves to our enjoyment.

  8. I could see the formation of another Magnus, but I think it would be bad. It's not free will if it's been taken by the Portal Network. Besides, the factions already fought over their loyalties once, they shouldn't again.

    Change should come, whether or not it will. Fate of the 13 shouldn't have happened, it wasn't the right time in the cycle, but it did anyway. Perhaps this new Magnus would be the proper time for Fate of the 13 or a true Niantic Magnus?

    ADA, Misty, Richard, the others. They are all pawns in the end, just like the rest of us. It is the truth that matters and what we find that is necessary to realize truth. We are Truthseekers, myself and Mara, and if a Magnus will reveal the truth it should be done, as much as I hope it doesn't come to that.

    Laura Katajan

  9. This is worrisome. Timezero was not a good time period. If you and Misty think that will happen again, we are entering a bad time. Will something be reset?
    Misty has never worried me more then now.

  10. Mario Valenzuela II

    I think that's where my problem with our situation lies nowadays: I'm #TeamHumans and #TeamFreeWill before a side. Perpetually dragging people kicking and screaming in to what they don't want was against everything we ALL were fighting against from the beginning.

    I thought.

    The NIA Magnus, in my mind, is not entirely resolved: OLW and Jarvis are still trapped. One individual couldn't be helped. The other was a choice because of feelings. If we've learned nothing else in five years, it's that we don't know much about XM out in the wild or if there's anything that can really be called "death" (as we understand it as humans) once XM and nodes are involved. Until they're both released, I don't know that the badness flowing from the NIA Magnus is really dead.

    A Magnus born of informed choice rather than conscription might be stable. The ENL decision makers who freed Hank think he's destined to find an ENL Magnus; his position at NIA may be the means to an end. Unless it's coming together to protect us, though, it's not worth the exercise right now. I also have reservations about what trying to build a new Magnus without the old one dissipated or while still trapped in one means.

    Misty's been ringing the alarm about what's coming through, telling us how to protect ourselves, and that we need our strongest memories to form our anchors. Fine. It's one thing for someone who's going to be reset regularly to need that kind of anchor.....why the rest of us? She had one in her own mind palace; if it wasn't on purpose, I don't know what chance we stand. If it was on purpose, we're still at a disadvantage. We don't know who or what she's been talking to and she wouldn't be a good trickster if she didn't burn her marks periodically.

  11. Hmm. The "starting over" reference could involve Hank's rebooting of Niantic - the notion that he is going down the same road that Calvin trod, and this is likely to lead to similar circumstances. But I have to wonder if it alludes to a suspicion that both Misty and PAC are actually simulacra and (along with many others) are going to recurse. The "what do you think we'll all do differently" line is compatible with this interpretation, as is the exchange about the note.


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