My answers to your questions from the last thread. Read on...

My answers to your questions from the last thread. Read on...


  1. "First off, I don’t believe Klue was a vessel for ADA. I think they chose a mutual partnership, and they were each vessels for each other."

    That wasn't a "no."


  2. Your response was thoroughly evasive, yet entirely unsatisfying!

  3. H. Richard Loeb​ you keep saying you were not a subject of research in Project Whydah, however there are more roles than "subject" in any project. Did you have ANY type of involvement in Project Whydah? And if so, what was your involvment?

    Also, you didn't need to bolt when you saw I had Pethulhu in San Francisco this weekend. Pethulhu seemed to be pretty well behaved after he drank the last of my Long Island Iced Tea.

    #pethulhu #IgotPethulhuforaday

  4. For the record, we tried Sarah Rosen .

    The most truthful thing he told us was that we shouldn't trust him. We should probably run with that.

  5. Well, thank you for avoiding my question so graciously.
    I was actually trying to ask it short and directly to avoid you dancing around it but you did anyway. (Good job there, sir).
    But still. You didn't answer the first part of my question - "were you involved" - that's a simple yes/no question, so I'll assume yes. Especially since the second part (the "how") was only discarding one possible role... That leaves us to infer that YOU WERE involved as something else... Researcher? Analyst? Something else?
    I wonder what is it that your fear so mucha about that particular skeleton that you would so carefully lock in your closet even when you said you were willing to let some of those out?
    Are you protecting yourself or are you protecting others? (Maybe you are protecting us?)

  6. Kobalt Blues I have to say I agree with PAC's answer about the partnership there. It always gave me that impression anyway.

  7. Catalina Reyes

    Maybe it was...eventually. You're right, though: I could be completely wrong about at least one human in that unfortunate PAC-Klue-ADA triad being used as a meat puppet.

    I don't know how much faith I put in his recollection--or characterization--of anything as an individual who has large gaps in memory where significant events are concerned.

    Especially one who's still doggedly dodging questions about how "complex" his relationship is with one of the participants.

  8. H. Richard Loeb​​​​​, I've noticed that when you encountered #pethulhu and #spiritualist tecthulhu you had thebsame adverse reaction. You went glazy eyed then recoiled. Yet, for some reason, outside of Navarro, you were able to be in the presence of Magnus Flora, Tricker's Top Hat, and other tecthulhus without consequence.

    What about pethulhu and the Spiritualist tecthulhus is it that you fear?

  9. I have so many more questions for you now. I have you with bunny ears, you have my contact info.

  10. Thank you for answering my questions. It defiantly cleared the air.

  11. Heh, interesting. I appreciate your answers - and that a gentleman in your position must by needs be rather indirect. I think there may be more useful information here than is immediately apparent....

  12. #campspiritualist

    I'm sad I missed out on asking you a question H. Richard Loeb​. I have yet to fully decompress from the Anomaly but I hope you will host another one of these.

  13. H. Richard Loeb​ if you promise to answer questions yet you do not want to, you give answers just cryptic and evasive enough the truth is up to us to find. Why?


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