JARVIS WARNS OF DANGER AS HELIOS ARTIFACTS EMERGE And I’m inclined to believe him. You heard me right. I might have leaned Resistance in the past, but I’m back to where I started. Truthseeker. And you have to look for truth everywhere -- even Roland Jarvis. (By the way, what’s going on with him? I’m hearing rumors. So here’s where we are. We’ve got a Consortium and Arifacts. Consortium of who? Artifacts from what? Some thoughts: Think back almost a year. The same day (date?). Carrie Campbell makes the sacrifice and Klue stares into the glyphs and changes forever (forever? Will it be forever?) And what of the Shapers? What do they want? Were they protecting us from ourselves? And what of Ada? At this point, what is the difference between her and a Shaper? And you’re hearing this from the guy who coded her.
Well, Misty has always been one to hold a strong opinion. And though she may be Enlightened, I understand why her views on the Acolyte say differently.
ReplyDeleteSince when is Misty Enlightened? I thought she was Resistance for ages?
ReplyDeleteI've always thought she was Enlightened early on then Resistance after Abaddon. H. Richard Loeb you were in SF... What makes you think she's moved back towards Enlightened?
ReplyDeleteJana D
ReplyDeleteAnomaly at Austin TX (2013 SXSW) determined her alignment
James Haught But what about Abbaddon Houston where her shards were won by RES? Didn't that change her alliance?
It's possible that the N'zeer influence is only effective on simulacra hence the effects of the Abaddon win by the Resistance to keep the researchers in that state. Perhaps the researchers being returned to their human forms after Fate of the 13 (as was confirmed to me by Devra Bogdanovich in San Francisco) has reset them to their initial alignment?
ReplyDeleteH. Richard Loeb Edgar Allan Wright flint dille
beautyful Lady
ReplyDeleteI question the words of Misty Hannah, as I question the words of all.
ReplyDeleteWhen we met, she heard me praise Jarvis - the unquestionable intercessor, who connected humanity with our Friends -
And her response was not to join me, but to say, "That's fair".
Quite the muted response for one purported to be Enlightened.
I speak and associate with those of all alignment, as I seek Truth -
But it seems less than honest to criticize the Acolyte in her current form, when Misty herself is largely responsible for the events that brought us here.
The Acolyte confirmed to me that she is both dead and alive - my suspicion holds that she is indeed Twila, reborn.
She admitted on video that she is a 'living conduit of XM' - perhaps more than simply a Simulacrum - and her purpose was to galvanize us to victory.
It is possible that the Exogenous merged with the Acolyte, which would make sense as they disappeared shortly prior to the Anomaly.
But Misty, I wouldn't go throwing stones until you take off your mask.
Yik Sheng Lee The Acolyte is Marla/Twyla and was murdered alongside Jarvis in Zurich. She confirmed this to me also in SF as did flint dille. She is a simulacrum and can not locate her physical form.
ReplyDeleteShe also confirmed that she had a long history with Jarvis and Misty who she'd met previously in LA or Vegas (I forget which) and that Misty Hannah knew more than she was letting on.
Jana D she got her faction change during #13MR as a result of the ENL putting shapers into her mind palace.
ReplyDeleteRichard Jennings Yik Sheng Lee
ReplyDeleteMisty Hannah told me that she took the fall for a scam Twyla ran.
I'm assuming my idea about agents having multiple archetypes may be correct and Jarvis and Twyla the Acolyte are also Tricksters (Trickster/Magnus Dreamer for Jarvis and Trickster/Spiritualist for Twyla)
"I do as I please."
ReplyDeleteMisty Hannah
H. Richard Loeb there is a lot of porn spam going around in g+ comments for a while now, like in your recent posts. There is now a more or less solution for it but the poster hast to block the offending comments. More on it: https://plus.google.com/+LeoDeegan/posts/W41tDQy1gj1
ReplyDeleteplus.google.com - Delete, report, block Hello folks, a third update this week. By popular dema...
ReplyDeletePity that Devra's portal virus wasn't allowed to run it's course: we might have successfully cut off not only Jarvis, but the Acolyte as well. The threats to humanity have only expanded since.
ReplyDeleteIncidence Matrix ironic since some of of the greatest threats are posed by ADA and the N'Zeer.
ReplyDeleteDance little puppets... DANCE!!
ReplyDeletePerhaps Misty is not who she says she is, and neither is the Acolyte. Whatever their stories, no matter what they say, there is always, always a section missing.
ReplyDeleteI suggest finding that section may allow Agents and Investigaters of all alignments to help the pieces fall into place.
Let us find and see truth, beyond whatever anyone claims.
Laura Katajan
Richard Jennings It seems as if we were pursuing similar threads.
ReplyDeleteI asked her if one could be alive and dead at the same time, she said yes....
And followed up by asking if she knew from experience.... also yes.
Misty Hannah is becoming more suspicious by the day.
We must locate the body of the Acolyte, before those who would do her harm find it - if they haven't already..... cough Akira cough
And whatever Misty knows, she ought to cough it up.
I believe less and less from someone who purports to speak truith, who hides truth instead.
Yik Sheng Lee Was this a hand gesture in the shape of a triangle?
ReplyDeleteShe showed this to me also, if so....
Still piecing together what it means.
Mario Valenzuela II Without the portals, the N'Zeer would have been locked out as well. ADA, for all her charms, is young and undisciplined; being kept from the temptation of the portal network would have been as good for her as for everyone else.
ReplyDeleteBut according to Hank's nomad hypothesis, portals die, so does civilization.
ReplyDeleteOculus Veritatem - did the hand symbol look like this?
ReplyDeleteplus.google.com - Ooohhh - shiny! I don't really do the whole coin thing, but I am proud to ha...
ollie tronic the second half, yes.
ReplyDeleteShe thanked me and asked if I had spoken with Jarvis.
When I asked her the second question, she appeared very sad and confirmed my suspicion, while making that gesture and one other that I can't recall.
The pyramid hand gesture is distinct enough for me to remember it, but common enough (I can tell you from long experience with the occult and the esoteric) that its meaning is obscure in this context, even if the general meaning is plain enough to be rote.
I am missing a piece....
Unless she was doing as I suspected, and clueing me to visit the Transamerica building, which seems to be where her meeting with the Trickster on film took place.
I didn't make it there, due to obligations with my team on the ground.
I don't trust +Misty Hannah, primarily because she started this, with her Mind Palace.
There are other reasons, though..
One new thread I am working, though, could explain all this.....
Two words: Quantum Causality....