Lots of information emerged over the course of this weekend.
Lots of information emerged over the course of this weekend. In the coming days I'm going to be sorting through it all with your help, and trying to make sense of it. But if we're going to put everybody under the microscope, I volunteer to be first.…
Well, you asked for it, so here goes: Why did you open a backdoor into ADA for Calvin, back in the day?
ReplyDeleteAnd why did you assist, aid and abet the near-destruction of A Detection Algorithm using your girlfriend Klue S. as the delivery vehicle for the weapon to destroy ADA?
ReplyDeleteThe Grinch has got nothing on you, dude.
Could ADA have organized the events during Ephiany night to make it look like that other dead person was made to look like Devra as a cover for her to get away unscathed and safe? H. Richard Loeb
ReplyDeleteDear H. Richard Loeb maybe you want to give some answers about your alchemist's painting and the meaning of 'Putrefactio' regarding the creation of A Detection Algorithm in your appartment during the Niantic Project.
How long have you been using the brokers guild?
ReplyDeleteIs Ben who brought out the thing that seems to be a scanner that comes out in this lost videos?
ReplyDeleteyoutube.com - Ingress Prime
Ben I know is not a researcher.
Which dimension Ben is in this video world?
Is this place a parallel world where scientists anticipate existence?
Were you involved in the project Whydah? And if so...how?
ReplyDeleteOk then...
ReplyDeleteYou created Verity Seke. You were hired by the NIA to help create and tune A Detection Algorithm. Despite your attempts to call yourself a "Truthseeker", you've chosen to side with the Resistance on multiple occasions in your history and you've even let that bias leak into some of the work you did on the original Investigation Board.
For someone who's claimed to try to be neutral, you're not as neutral as I think you'd like to be.
So all I can ask is this: is there a way moving forward for you to slowly remove yourself from the Resistance and realign yourself as the neutral Truthseeker you've tried to be and the one you've tried to inspire others to be as well?
Did you or have you ever allowed A Detection Algorithm to use you as a vessle the way Klue S. was used?
ReplyDeleteIs A Detection Algorithm the only advanced AI in existence now?
Are you the leader of the New Wave Resistance or did you make them up?
Why should we trust you to tell us the truth about anything, especially if it involves your monster?
Mustafa Said He's never been Resistance. The sum total of his work has been to thwart the Resistance.
ReplyDeleteHe's never been a truth seeker either. More of a puppeteer with his own agenda.
Hi H. Richard Loeb
ReplyDeleteI have a lot of questions I'd like to ask you, but narrowed them down to two. please give me answer either or both one.
(1)"Niantic Project Files" is a very valuable references to investigate stories for us. We are always waiting for it, are you planning to release Ver.5 and later?
(2)What were you doing before the Niantic project? I want to know some of your typical work before you joined the Niantic Project.
Kobalt Blues The #NWR have no leader's except that which we make for ourselves. H. Richard Loeb is not aligned with the #NWR nor is he the Leader.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you know about the Waratah Symposium, Project Pandora (mentioned by Calvin) and has anyone, have you, been working on a quantum equivalent of Omnivore? What is the next evolution of Omnivore?
ReplyDeleteWhy was not that love letter specified for confidentiality?
ReplyDeleteA video was leaked wherein you can be seen talking hastily on the phone with somebody, they want you to do something, you're response was something to the effect of "what!? that's insane!" but you seemed to comply all the same. Who were you speaking to? and what did they wish you do?
ReplyDeletePOI 我很喜欢这部电视剧虽然烂尾了
ReplyDelete"That love letter" is this.https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/tOB6DAtd_z2hyoOeNaFY-65lNaaz_irnQz7w37koGiDkEWpW4mIbjnzNbgZBM5Ct-pm2LSA2m0pmSx04-KHqpdsoCx6yFOX8oR6G=s0
ReplyDeleteDear H. Richard Loeb
ReplyDeleteYou talked that "I really believe as a truth seeker we'll find the answers because we keep questioning each other." in the last of the interview in Osaka Anomaly.
There is the word 「切磋琢磨 (Sessa-Takuma)」 in our cultural sphere. It is a meaning "Improve ourselves through competiton". Though in other words "War evolves technology", but I think these two words are falsely similar.
So my question is;
What do you think about why we are separated two factions? For War, or for improve?
H. Richard Loeb do you really know what you're doing? Are you sure you walk the right path and do your actions always follow it?
ReplyDeleteEpiphany Night? Seems there's a lack of information. ADA? Seems there's a lack of information. You have some of it.
Do you know what you are doing with it? Are you really as neutral as you claim, or do you side with one team?
What have you really done and why do you try and hide it? Your truth is part of Ingress, and the lack of real information on you is striking.
My question is this: why only now offer to reveal things about yourself, after so much has happened while we have been left in the dark?
Mara Katajanira
H. Richard Loeb, you were involved with Verity Seke, A Detection Algorithm, Klue S., and others. Yet you tell us so little about those events.
What I want to know is what really happened during Epiphany Night, what really is NL-1331, and which side are you on?
Nobody is really neutral, and nothing is what it seems. I know you, of all people, should understand that, yet you take what you see as fact, and I'm not sure you're as neutral as you claim.
We need to know in order to continue our own searches for truth. Don't fail us now.
Laura Katajan
I want to know your Google account password and username.
ReplyDeleteA month ago, in Osaka, I asked you many questions.
I was sending questions that I couldn't ask at that time after #EXO5 Day 1, I'll select some questions related to you from those.
All of questions: https://goo.gl/2oPfhb
You said “I had a conversation with Ace in Austin,” and we know that Agent Ace is Mr. John Hanke who is CEO of Niantic Labs.
You and Ace should have met with Camp Navarro, what did you and he talk about in Austin?
Just before the second day of #ViaLux, your blog was “intercepted” -- well, as the criminal said so, I was call it so.
At the time, some of there was inference that the criminal was a New Wave, and do you have any idea about the criminal?
You have declared that you are Truthseeker so you don't align to any faction, but once your align was Resistance.
Resistance is against the influence from Shapers, while trying to attract N'Zeer, another Exogenous Entity. Does not this contradict the original thought of Resistance?
About the people who are often helping your investigations.
Have you ever met Verum Inveniri directly?
And if you know, Verity Seke, who was directing the investigation when you escaped from the grid, is he a member of Verum Inveniri?
The e-book Niantic Project Files is very useful when going back to past Intel during the investigation process. However, there are no books that contain Intels on the way to #Persepolis, that is after June 30, 2015.
Are you planning to publish new e-books in the future?
There are rumors of your involvement in the death of Ken Owen, who could blackmail you.
ReplyDeleteYou programmed the ADA, so you had the technical skills to turn off the cameras.
Now even a child can shoot a pistol.
You participated in the RPE, so you know how to move around and change the space and the time to move the corpse.
How could you comment on this?
Good evening, Richard! I see that already a lot of interesting questions have been asked to you higher, so my will be more calm.
ReplyDeleteHow old are you and when is your birthday? Where were you born and studied? What kind of education did you get? Maybe you have interesting parents or other relatives? What films, books and music do you like? How does the process of creating posts on the site Investigate: Ingress?
Well, the most important question that worries us all: do you know the recipe for lasagna by Andrew Krug?
I would really like to know more about you than an ordinary person. Thank you very much in advance!
1. Have you ever met Ben Jackland in person? Are you in contact with him?
ReplyDelete2. You said your hat was from gypsy violin player in Prague. What is the reason you wear it? Does it have some secrets?
I heard PAC is behind RIOT and the Brokers Guild...
ReplyDeleteHi +H. Richard Loeb
ReplyDeleteYou were sometime quote the old American music title in your writing.
Also You played Bass guitar in "Ingress Origins"comic.
Did you have the career around pop music?
1) Which do you like dogs or cats?
ReplyDelete2) Which do you like beef or chicken?
3) Which do you like 1)'s answer or 2)'s answer?
Alright, I'll start off with this, I understand you have many sources, including ADA and those of the IC. But I know you also have some insider help.
ReplyDeleteDo you have sources in the NIA, IQ Tech, Hulong Transglobal, or Visur Technologies?
A while back, you mentioned the high posibility of Omivore evolving.
Why have you not mentioned it again? Do you know more then you care to talk about?
According to many records and documents, you worked with the NIA further then after tuning the algorithim that is now ADA.
Is this true?
Susanna Moyer, the both of you worked closely together on many investigations.
Do you think she will ever be found?
You also at times worked with Klue. You assisted her much through the years. Even when she told you to stay away, you were there. It is known that you had a romantic interest in Klue. Even when she was merged with ADA.
Where do you think she is? Do we have solid evidence that she is alive? Even if it's within the Portal Network?
Is it true that you were a part of Project Whyda?
That's all. I do not want to ask to much. Thank you in advance, PA.
Your first words to us were "I am a truth seeker with many questions..." Since then there has been only a few answers and only to things that were trivial in nature.
ReplyDeleteAre you ready to answer the big questions this time?
nianticproject.com - Niantic Project
H. Richard Loeb, your encounter with Devra could be taken to imply that you used ADA's back door to either make her (ADA) coordinate Jarvis's assassination, or alternately that you used ADA's back door to have her substitute someone else for Devra during said assassination. Which, if either, is true? And if the former, was Devra saved by happenstance, by a third party arranging a substitution, or by ADA herself working around the instructions she had been given to carry out the assassination without killing Devra in the process?
ReplyDeleteMustafa Said, if H. Richard Loeb were really all-in for RES, there would be a lot more corpses by now - he would be in a position to compromise the security (and hence safety) of many parties who threaten humanity. That he goes to such lengths to protect their privacy and safety should be evidence enough that he is about as neutral as anyone can be in the middle of a war zone.
ReplyDeleteI got one who is tinyman?
ReplyDeleteHow can we trust you now... knowing that you did something so dangerous just because you were asked to? Did you not think about the consequences at all? What's going to happen in the future? If you're going to be any good to us at all, you're going to have to swear to think everything through, trust no one no matter who they are, and triple check every action you take. And refusing to keep secrets? That makes me very, very nervous.
ReplyDeleteDo you believe Klue is alive? me, yes I do. whatever they say, I do.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of programming language did you use to create the base of ADA?
ReplyDeleteHi H. Richard Loeb .
ReplyDeleteDid you eat something sweets in Japan?
Do you have any favorite sweets?
I am glad if you give me the answer.
thank you for reading.
Do u like TAKOYAKI?
ReplyDeleteH. Richard Loeb
ReplyDeleteWere you in any way complicit, knowledgeable, or involved in the murder, or the events that led to the murder of Roland Jarvis?
Did you enable a third party to do so?
Did you have any knowledge of who did so?
Did you assist ADA or perform actions that allowed her to do so?
And if any of the above are true - why did you withhold this information from us?
Further, do you have any knowledge as to the whereabouts of the physical body of Twila, The Acolyte?