In the final moments of #EXO5, Hank Johnson shares his closing thoughts on the revelations that emerged over the...

In the final moments of #EXO5, Hank Johnson shares his closing thoughts on the revelations that emerged over the course of the day before leaving Taipei, Taiwan. Some of these thoughts are verifiable... others, perhaps less so... Where is he right? Where…


  1. Transcript:
    Devra told me that she knew more about what happened at the train-station than she told the investigators. The woman who was shot bore an uncanny resemblance to the Acolyte. Now I know from NIA files that her name is Twylla Klippe and well that name is associated with Misty Hannah. Seems they knew each other from Misty's Las Vegas days.
    Everybody who was there when Jarvis was shot and released the xm has had their lives stangely altered.
    I know too from NIA files that Calvin on Epiphany Night, he demanded the backdoor codes from Richard Loeb - Richard Loeb also known as PA Chapeau.
    That opens the possibility that Calvin was responsible for the murders. And given that Phillips was the shooter and Ken Owen was the guy that covered it all up, well I can see motive to kill all of them and that goes way beyond the current fight over 1331.
    (sigh) More when I know more, Hank Johnson out.

  2. Gerald Wolf Thank you for transcript again!

    ... And what is the purpose of Calvin's access to the back door of ADA?
    To kill Jervis because he was Enlightened?
    If so, why was even Twylla Klippe killed?
    Why did not he kill Devra?

  3. We already figured Devra was lying to us. I believe that everyone who deduced the Acolyte is Twyla is correct. Richard said in multiple ways that a. there are backdoors in all NIA systems and b. that he opened at least one of them at Calvin's request when he decided to "share" with us; I am inclined to believe him since he's not trying to tapdance on this fact--only on the "why" of it and if he bears any responsibility for the ripple effects.

    I think this is where my incredulity starts*.

    Hank is a company man now and Zeke, for better or worse, played kingmaker to make that happen. That this could all be blamed on him posthumously is too neat and easily resolved a package, especially since their relationship soured toward the end of Calvin's life. It's plausible, however, that he had people killed: he opened that door by playing with the lives of unsuspecting researchers. Phillips and Owens knew entirely too much and had become liabilities. As Hank said, there's motive to kill everyone connected to all of this madness. It seems unfinished in a way.

    This next part may be a reach, but Hank has a habit of leaving us in the dark, too. One definition of "viator", the codename used for Hank when his kill order came through, is traveller. Works given the whole "NOMAD" cover he had at the time.

    The other is tied to an insurance concept where a terminal individual knowingly sells their policy for an immediate benefit to a third party, who makes the necessary payments on the policy and receives the death benefit when the insured party passes. Zeke had to know he was a marked man once this project started. If it was a success, people would kill to get their hands on the knowledge. If it fails, well, that's where we are isn't it? Hank said Owens' demise was an end and a beginning. He gets a cool job after he turns up dead and it's highly likely he was being groomed the whole time through any associated dues paying. Seems sufficient motivation to bury this as "Zeke did it" in a hurry. There are still loose ends--everyone who knows about/played a role in the project and the associated fallout that's still alive--and someone has to tie them.

    * Purely figurative. I realize I don't trust anyone and accept this about myself.

  4. Gerald Wolf thank you ok u for transcripts.

    Is the Acolyte a simulacra?
    If it is, why did she keep Jarvis in their village?
    There is her deep reason to do it the deep reason as she know about it.

  5. tetsuo takahashi she has confirmed that she is a simulacrum

  6. Devra is one to hide things. For many reasons. But this? That's a lot of important data that needs to be known...

    It is good that you got your own answers Hank. Having verification that it was Twylla is good to have.

    Calvin was one to force useless information out of someone. He had full access to all Niantic Project and NIA files. He wouldn't need the backdoor codes.
    Calvin being behind the murders would surprise me, but I see it as possible. But question is, who killed him?


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