Even outside the clandestine world, this grows increasingly normal.

Even outside the clandestine world, this grows increasingly normal... 'low-level' AIs begin to expand our understanding of the universe, showing us the hidden.


  1. I believe there are some people who believe it is a good thing and others that do not...

    A part of me reads this and understands the purpose and need for everything to be observed sooner rather than later but I fear at the same time we will become lazy in our own adventures.... I do not believe we need Ais to see everything, I've personally watched people in Essex dig for information lately that most haven't even thought of. I think yes, it takes time for human to eventually look, but it doesn't mean we won't.

    Ais make it easier, make it simple, do not need a passion to look into the things they are programmed to. They can go places we can't, like space, and stay there for longer than we can. They do not have emotions that tend to get in the way but at the same time there are alot of situations that need that context.... Discovering space is one thing, but if we begin to allow Ai to discover things in our lives and world, I think there needs to be more consideration on whether or not it's truly needed or if we are rushing into things before fully exploring them ourselves. Ai can be a great help, but it can also hinder our own growth if we are not careful.

  2. There is only one thing we must all worry about with AI. When the proliferation of AIs happens, so be it. When an AI cannot be stopped, when it becomes so powerful it can't be undone by anyone, ever, that is what we must worry about.

    AIs can be useful in finding information, but only if they aren't too good at using it. Humanity must be careful in just how much we teach and rely on AIs.

    Technology may be our future, but we must also remember our past. How we survived before it. Perhaps some things should be brought back.

    Mara Katajanira

  3. This is, in a way, good. We need the technological advancement. Especially in AI technology. This, is what we need. And we will achieve it. As long as we do it safely, and not fear it.

    The data you brought up here about ADA, was indeed something only she could've done. All of that data being sorted and analyzed at that quick of a rate, is impossible for a human. If it weren't for her, we wouldn't be this far in XM research.


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