This secure Anomaly Intel document reveals important details about the upcoming December 2nd #EXO5 Anomalies.

This secure Anomaly Intel document reveals important details about the upcoming December 2nd #EXO5 Anomalies.


  1. Hello.
    The ornaments on the Research Nodes have changed. Instead of a double circle there will be a circle and a 3 sets of double dash around the portals.
    Will the dash be randomly oriented ? Or highlighting the links connected to the portals ? Moving or Static ? 🤔

  2. #EXO5 Day Two will consist of two variant forms of Anomalies:

    Primary Anomalies x 5

    Satellite Anomalies x 11

    Which cities are the new primary and satellite sites?

  3. Data in table is new, but supporting text looks like old. Between 2 (not 4) and 18 (not 32) nodes, and between 3 to 61 (not 91) shards.

  4. H. Richard Loeb​ and Ingress​:

    Is there anything that the Investigative community can do to unravel the mystery of what the Exo Shards are and how Agents can leverage them to win the series?'

  5. Rules for phase three state: “Links anchored by multiple active Anomaly Zone Portals will only be counted once.”
    Could you please let me know if my understanding of this rule is correct?
    - link from one active portal to another active portal = 1 point
    - link from one active portal to a non-active portal = 1 point
    - links from one active portal to five other portals (active and/or or non-active) = 5 points

  6. Rod-Rod PowerAction Fraser Yes, this is how I understand it as well. 1 points per link connected to an active portal, 5 links = 5 points.
    It's the number of links that counts, not the number of connection to active portal. 1 link connecting 2 active portals counts only once even though there is 2 connections to active portals.

  7. Mati JZ Primary and satellite cities are marked with a (P) and (S) respectively in the section "Anomaly time". The Primary sites for this round will be Tallinn in Europe, Taipei in Asia and San Francisco in the Americas.
    The numbers of 5 primary sites refers to the total number of primary for both rounds. There are 3 sites for day 2 and there were 2 in day 1 (Berlin and Osaka).

  8. H. Richard Loeb could you update the Anomaly Intel Link in the lefthand menu on, please, to point to the current rules doc? ;)

    Also, As stated above, there should be 3 primaries and 5 secondaries on day two, not 5/11, and Boulder and Panama aren't starting any anomalies, at any time of the day this saturday ;)

  9. Dear Richard, could you please replace the rules of day 1 with the rules of day 2 in the place indicated by the arrow. It's very, very, very uncomfortable now.


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