This report by an Intelligence and Analytics firm came across my way.

This report by an Intelligence and Analytics firm came across my way... there was very little in here that I wasn't aware of, but I suspect that future reports may cover more difficult ground... We'll likely need every member of the Investigative…


  1. Do you think Report 2 will cover the NL Prime Phase 1 Expansion? ;-)

  2. To those of you going to the SF Anomaly on 12/2 who cannot fill in the blanks:

    Study up. You should know what you're getting yourself into. You will enter something different than has ever been seen before.

    The Exogenous are coming as soon as the EXO Precursers are clear. Remember your choices, and don't let anyone else make them for you.

    Trust no one but yourself. If you have a secret, keep it to yourself. Tell one other person IF YOU MUST. Tell more poeole than that, and everyone who knows the secret is in danger and it is no longer a secret.

    Remember, the future only awaits those who live to reach it. Someone, actually two someones, will die during EXO5 and be replaced by Exogenous Presances.

    Save the ones you can, but in the end, we are all expendable if our deaths save other lives. Human or Exogenous, we all have rights. But the lines are blurry.

    Let's hope to un-blur those lines. Remember also, there isn't always a right or a wrong.

    Laura Katajan

  3. Why did "centralOmnilytics" even redact info when those who are paying attention can fill in the blanks mad lib style? Also who is this group hwaded by?

  4. " came across my way... "
    wow i never heard the old saying before...hmm, it used to be important to hear that from someone before the internet existed, with 500 million users....

  5. You know, it's too bad I have a sense of morals and ethics. There are those that use their creativity and wit in all kinds of ways to create conspiracies and then come up with some way to monitize the investigation and fight against those same conspiracies! Maybe I have too high a value on what's right and wrong, especially when it comes to "belief" Hell, I could easily bilk folks out of everything they own, religion ain't the only game in town!

  6. Mario Valenzuela II Actually PAC blacked out the info, he stated that "This report was actually clean when it got to me, but I have redacted a few key bits of data… Simple, if you’ve been paying attention."

  7. dont know what that report is and dont care but thanks for the 18plus video's in comments awesome

  8. Yeah... I guess what has been redacted from this report will likely be a form of quiz during the Anomalies...
    If so, it will be really easy ;)

  9. Hmm. New group taking up handling Anomaly Intel. I wonder why Hulong stoped with the Intel. The redacted information in the document is easy to decode. Maybe a bit too easy...


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