Looks like I'll be in esteemed company in SF... check out this note from Devra:

Looks like I'll be in esteemed company in SF... check out this note from Devra:


  1. Great to hear from you Devra. You have been very quiet. Be safe in San Francisco. If you can, a further explanation would be useful.
    It's always good to have someone you know and trust nearby you in your travels, PA.

  2. " a friend I trust "
    In the party of personalities that can boast an affiliation with NIA, sure we can not think of anybody else who has called on his side Devra Bogdanovich than the new NIA CEO, Hank Johnson

    Surely the doctoress will carry with her the research she had already mentioned in the previous sequence of Anomalies.

    Is scanner 2.0 coming to the door, built from the Exogenous Precursors that have appeared in the world?


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