Consciousness: Real or not?

Consciousness: Real or not? What's your take on the interesting positions expressed in this article? Let me know in the comments.


  1. H. Richard Loeb Edgar Allan Wright

    The conclusions of the proposed study come to analyze the free will and the will of our actions as something untied - at least in part - by our conscious will.

    Our behaviors and perceptions go through a state of training that exploits channels that are not conscious of our minds. And this prompts us to wonder how we can voluntarily influence a process that forms our self in an autonomous way that we do not seem to have any kind of REAL control.

    I do not quite agree.
    As the authors of the study come to suggest in the end, it is true that behaviors and personality can form without the possible modification of the individual, but it is also true that these representations and mental constructions of the self are mediated through the concept of human species and human society, which in any case allow to channel behavior and attitudes into tracks that, however slow, have control tools anyway.

    The question I can not answer is now, however:

    how much weight does this kind of new knowledge come to affect Ingress Agents?

    The EXO Information Packs, which I consider as I consider human DNA - at the same time energy, constituent structure of other things, and biological information database - are perhaps something that follows the suggestions of this study and then comes to us unconsciously - given the antiquity of this information, have EXO PREs always influenced us as a human species and as a human society?

    If so, then, we are always the result of a study and a modification proposed by OTHERS.
    It would be a great new way to read our human history. A huge colossal distortion lens.

    I think it would be great to have an eye on this publication too, linked to the first one.

    This same theory, my colleague Achim make me notes, had just been proposed yesterday by another fellow investigator in the Essex project, Catalina Reyes.

  2. Well... Sorry to say this H. Richard Loeb​ but your interpretation of the findings is wrong and the article is somewhat mistaken.
    The article does not suggest that consciousness is not real. It merely suggests that it is not what makes us think and that thoughts are independent from it.

    AND, of course, the article itself gets a bit of the original research wrong as well. I read the original hypothesis and theory article from which this article is based and the authors don't say that we NEVER control our thoughts consciously, they say is not necessary. Because they word separately in the brain. A vision I do endorse xP by the way.
    I endorse the emergentist theory in cognitive science (that consciousness, intelligence, language, and others) are byproducts that emerge from simpler cognitive activities and tasks in the brain.
    Now, let us not forget that consciousness has more than one meaning strictly speaking, but in general it means that you are aware -of yourself, of your thoughts, of your body, etc.
    For me, it makes perfect sense that we are not necessarily aware of all of our thoughts. And that we are not aware of the, let's call them, pre-thoughts that lead you to a thought you do become aware of. Can thinking happen before you are aware of it? Of course it can. Because, bottom line, the answer to the philosophical question "does the tree make a sound when it falls if there's nobody around to hear it?" Is "of course it does!"

    Now... Sit on that idea and think of what XM may be doing to your brain (and making you think) without you being aware of it...

    I'll just leave it at that...

  3. And thanks Daeniem Loidlan​ haha. I know I posted this article in the Essex TG yesterday ;). Different source thought, but exactly the same article.

  4. Does consciousness influence the unconscious processes of the brain, or do the unconscious processes of the brain influence consciousness?

    You see the ocean.
    I see the waves.

  5. I can provide personal testing with any one in understanding this as I keep repeating i have precognition but was never seen by scientists nor understood why and I've been dealing with cognitive manifestations since 8 years old. So for 20 years i kept researching this and nlp ( neurological language programming) as a hobby and research in understanding why this is possible and still ever ongoing till this very day and till my time comes ill have precognition. And hope one day someone will take me seriously and investigate my research i continue to hold since then I have now 15 2inch binders full of research but stored away Somewhere i only know in Florida. And I know now my son as well has the gift. For her says at four years old a dream i had at 8years old ..coincidence maybe but for such a young age makes new questions of this


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