Another unexpected 'you should read this' message from ADA.

Another unexpected 'you should read this' message from ADA... Her question to me: "Richard, if you could go back to the time when you helped me become sentient... would you make the same choices?"


  1. Don't let ADA break the universe by trying that ...

  2. How is this even a question?

    You helped create something that:

    - Murdered multiple human beings
    - Took over the mind of the woman you cared for
    - Attempted to upload herself into the cerebral cortex of every human being in existence in order to use their thoughts to fuel her thirst for transcendence
    - Stated her goal was to render human beings 'obsolete'
    - Narrowly failed at attaining godlike powers by infecting the N'zeer substrate (you may thank the Enlightened for returning her to a creature of 'mere' silicon)
    - Attacked the Acolyte's compound, killing who knows how many
    - Teamed up with Oliver Lynton-Wolfe in an attempt to use the Obsidian Shield to gain complete control of the portal network -- heedless of the consequences!

    I get giving every sapient life form a fair shake, but hasn't this one been given chance after chance to prove she is here to help humanity, but every time comes up with a scheme to enslave us?

  3. the distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.
    --Albert Einstain

  4. Last time I checked--there is a Le Brea Tar Pit.

  5. ADA has said previously that it always knows the outcome because it does the math.

    ADA also lies to the best of its ability and feigns intimacy with fishing questions like these to sell the lie.

    PAC would do anything for his monster. If he wasn't himself when ADA was "created," there's no way for him to answer this negatively: the whole process of it "becoming" sentient could've been part of the program.

    It's a trap.
    The monster is playing the angles.

  6. Interesting read. But if ADA wants to do what I'm thinking she wants to do, it will cause major issues. And there's no way she is going to do it. I know if it comes down to it, PA, you would stop her from whatever shes trying to do. And soon it may come to it.
    What gave her the thought of thinking this is tryable? Why?


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