Akira acquiesced to a conversation.

Akira acquiesced to a conversation. Short -- off the record at whatever points she said so. Those were her conditions. Public place. Lots of people. Those were mine. In how it went down, I feel I've learned more about Akira than I wanted.


  1. After what has happened to her colleagues, one can imagine that a show of force might be wise. But one shows off weapons to avoid having to use them - the weapons one intends to use, one conceals.

  2. mirror-writed "INGRESS" represents the Exogenous world which is similar but somehow different. and yellow again... I guess that Akira got the force which can beyond(or break) the current border of factions. she might be Exogenous entity itself. if so, the new factions color will be yellow.

  3. I am indeed surprised PA, that you were not concerned that something could have happened to you while in the back of that van.
    Akira's answers make me even more skeptical of her... She isn't just trying to show power or force, but she's trying to cover her tracks. You can't trust a word she says. She is guilty of something... And we need to find out what before it progresses too far. Akira Tsukasa can not be trusted for any reason by anyone...


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