I was enjoying a debate on this subject with a fellow Investigator, and it occurred to me that the very topic of our...

I was enjoying a debate on this subject with a fellow Investigator, and it occurred to me that the very topic of our conversation could make for an interesting recurring feature on Investigate. The question at hand: Were certain brilliant historic figures…


  1. He was indeed Enlightened, since he embraced progress and innovation, instead of fighting it

  2. Clearly an Enlightened, standing for progress, inquiry, creativity and genius. I would not rule out M. Jacquard being exposed to XM in his mysterious young years. The Canuts (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canut_revolts), on the other hand, were probably Res. And of course, if we nowadays have an abundance of cheap high-quality fabric to dress the whole world, is thanks to the enlightened Jacquard, not to the resisting canuts.
    en.wikipedia.org - Canut revolts - Wikipedia

  3. I believe that if someone was able to create a device - just using human tools - that set the basis for modern computation being the working principle basically the same after more than two centuries, it is clear that Shapers were involved since this was THE step towards mankind evolution.

  4. Enlightened strive to advance humanity. Being an innovator, Jacquard clearly had Enlightened attributes. Jacquard's achievements paved the way for other innovations that further progressed humanity.

  5. RES, obviously. Using his human ingenuity to create advanced tech to progress civilisation.

    ENL always struck me as luddite aligned. Smash the looms!

  6. RES because the invention builds on that of other inventors.

  7. Enlightened as he obviously obviously embraced other initiatives instead of rigidly sticking to his own way of thinking

  8. I would have to say RES. One with this amount of creativity is not Shaper influenced. This was done using existing human tech, but used in a different way.

  9. He was clearly influenced by XM during the time when his CV became fuzzy according to Wikipedia. But as he invented devices who evolved human technology, I'd say he was RES.

  10. I'd say RES because he used machinery and called it his own name, even if possibly influenced by his environment to create it.

  11. I think he must have been Res. Looking to develop technology to enhance and advance human progress. Remember that the ENL abhor machines to the point the 13Magnus murdered Alan Turin and made it look like a suicide.
    If he were enlightenment, and thus influenced by shaper-like thinking, he would have not made a machine but rather something else.

  12. Seems like technology innovator to me, thus RES

  13. I think that the corporations are trying to have us focus on being either enlightened or resistance. It more suits their goals for us to war with each other. What need would there be for more weopons and such if we worked together.
    Previous scholars and inventors such as Jacquard were smart enough to remain neutral and harness the benefits of both factions to further it's existence.
    I believe that you'll see more sway towards one faction in relation to war components (weapons - enlightened) , (defenses - resistance). But I'm sure there is the occasional offer thrown out there to keep it from being so obvious. Just my thoughts.
    Afterall it's all a conspiracy. All of it!

  14. It is blatantly obvious that all technology, every step forward in man's quest to rise above his current standing in creation is about the freedom of humanity. To release us from the shackles of those who would attempt to enslave us even the boundaries set forth by nature itself. Some would attempt to use terms as "the betterment of humanity" but in the end history and literature have shown us it is about freedom and humanity's struggle to remain free of any oppressors even if they come bearing gifts in the name of peace

  15. He must have been Resistance as he invent the essential technology of AI.

  16. I'm more inclined to say that we may never know. Though it does sound like he was influenced by a Tycho-like tecthuluh.

  17. Given that both sides seemed to be allied with exogenous intelligences now, can we even call a historical figure "Resistance"?

    Whether his creative was inspired by the Shaper-like muses, or he was reprogrammed by the N'zeer, it seems like in the exogenous era the actions of both factions are leading us toward a future where the real question is whether we enoble humanity or turn it into a cog.

    PAC, how did it feel when you were forced by alien entities to write those mysterious parts of ADA's code?

  18. This didn't come to him from nowhere--seemingly a hallmark N'Zeer influence--but it wasn't a creative organic vision spawned by a flash of Enlightenment, either.

    It's a bit like saying Steve Jobs invented revolutionary technology when, realistically, a lot of it was predicated on assembling the existing work of others and putting it in a new package.

    There are still other possibilities, including the fact that it may have been a combination of both EXOs known to us or something entirely different.

    Or that this may have been the result of the application of alcohol and hours of drunk talk written down on a napkin.

    That he was a man of means (even with his reversals of fortune at various points) who had the luxury of being an inventor because science and technology were limited to the wealthy.

    The attempt to assign someone a side based on a single product from their lifetime is specious without knowing who they were contextually. Alfred Nobel's invention of TNT was a tech revolution but it was at his insistence that prizes be awarded for humanities and peace when he decided to leave a better legacy beyond science. Is he RES or ENL? Why can't he and Jacquard just be humans who thought up a thing?

    The this-or-that thinking and a lack of faith in the ability of our own species to act without influence is what's going to get us hurt out there in the bigger badder universe.

  19. He was inclined to the technology innovation, which made our work easy, thus RES!

  20. I'd say res because criativity and shapers doesnt match well

  21. Jacquard progressed textiles by inventing a programmable machine for process automation. Good luck trying to support anything other than RES.


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