I've obtained a secure document related to the upcoming #EXO5 Anomalies.

I've obtained a secure document related to the upcoming #EXO5 Anomalies. The document is a detailed guide to many aspects related to the upcoming Anomalies. It seems a number of interesting changes are in store for Agents....


  1. Interesting shards will jump around all over the Research nodes and will have to move over more than one node

  2. It seems to me like the shard phase rules contain a contradiction. Which one of these is correct? The no backtracking rule, or the scoring example?

  3. Petr Morávek there is no contraddiction. you can move shards on a previous portal as in the image but you have to wait 18 minutes to do take them on it :)

  4. Jessica Gigante well, the image and it's description clearly show a shard moving to the previously visited portal after less than 18min, so there you go ;)

  5. Shard Shuttle: Does shard jump randomly if it has not moved during several jump windows?

  6. Alright boys and girls.. Everybody get out your Calvinballs.

  7. So what's actually being researched at these portals during phase 2? And if the single GORUCK phase won't be counted then what is it accomplishing in completion?

  8. Any ideas when the "Background Intel" section will be updated?

  9. Martin Winz where's your suspension of disbelief? ;)

  10. Could it be an issue for the red-green-colour-blind agents out there, that the portal ornament in phase two for the RES is red? I guess it would be way less problematic, if the ENL ornament would be red, wouldn't it?

  11. Petr Morávek Thank you for flagging the inconsistency. This has been corrected.

  12. Ingress how can a shard jump from an ordinary resistance-portal to an ordinary enlightened-portal? thought schrödingers influence on the portal network will not reoccur

  13. Will there be any visible way to determine if a shard has been on a node previously?

  14. Ingress Thanks for the update, but I believe the example is still inconsistent with the no backtracking rule. Correct me, if I'm wrong, but the timing is as follows:
    - At 1:30:00 the shard jumps from an ordinary Resistance Portal to an ordinary Enlightened Portal (1) and stays there until 1:35:00.
    - At 1:35:00 the shard jumps to a Resistance Research Node (2) and stays there until 1:45:00.
    - At 1:45:00 the shard jumps to an Enlightened Research Node (4) and stays there until 1:50:00.
    - At 1:50:00 the shard jumps to a different Enlightened Research Node (5) and stays there until 1:55:00.
    - At 1:55:00 the shard jumps to an ordinary Resistance Portal (6) and stays there until 2:00:00.
    - At 2:00:00 the shard jumps to a different Resistance Research Node (7) and stays there until 2:05:00.
    - At 2:05:00 the shard jumps to a previously visited Enlightened Research Node (8) - the same node that the shard left at 1:50:00. The "previous 18 minutes" at this point means the time between 1:47:00-2:05:00, so the shard is actually backtracking to a portal that it was present on within the previous 18 minutes.

    (For simplicity I'm assuming the shard always jumps at the beginning of jump window.)

  15. Chimera, Hydra, Cerberos, Sphinx and Orthos - 5 sibling ancient greek myths. Any coincidence?

  16. Just to clarify, will there be random jumps made by the shard if it does not successfully move after pre-determined number of jump times, like with precious anomalies?

  17. Ingress​
    Request you to confirm the ornamentation on Research Nodes? From the illustration I understand they will have ornaments similar to Volatile portals but red or yellow. On scanner will they look exactly like volatiles too and not at all like targets?

  18. Petr Morávek You are correct. The Jump Backtrack window has been corrected to state 13 minutes.

  19. Christine Jeffery No, there will be no such visual indication in the scanner or on intel.

  20. Yukai Lin There will be no random teleports.

  21. Anand M K Correct, the Research Nodes will appear as Ornamented Portals -- this is clearly indicated in the 'Anomaly Zones' section of the document.


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