Hank and I have sorted through the evidence -- and we have a pretty compelling theory on what went down with Ken...

Hank and I have sorted through the evidence -- and we have a pretty compelling theory on what went down with Ken Owen. But before we pollute the mindstream with our own take on things, we want to hear from you: Who do you think pulled the trigger on Ken…


  1. Maybe PAC did it itself?

    No one suspects you in murder, if you make a vote with a list of suspects on investigate site, hmm..,

  2. I'm going with Jay Phillips. Completing a contract is not beneath him to do.
    Hubert Farlowe​ didn't do it, unless there was some strange unforeseen danger to Devra Bogdanovich​.
    Akira Tsukasa​ and lorazon are more likely to order the contract than to fulfill it these days.
    Smith maybe. But only if Owen was holding onto info Smith thought would help his cause. Whatever that would be.
    And there was something in the was Hank Johnson​ and H. Richard Loeb​ spoke of Claudia glas and +ada that makes me think it wasn't glas or 855.
    Now plot twist would be Misty Hannah​. One of the few that can hyperportal and place a body in the middle of everything on a Friday night

  3. H. Richard Loeb​, let me ask one question, why does it matter who killed Ken Owens? It doesn't to me because I know no justice eill be done. How many people died since epiphany night who had no justice served for their murder?

    If the XM corps and NIA are going to keep killing each other and no one takes the fall or gets justice for their evil deeds when why should I, or anyone, care?

    It's like Devra and Calvin. Both murdrred people yet we turn a blind eye to it because they recursed.

  4. Nobody is accusing A Detection Algorithm? We always say it is ADA. Especially since there are rumours that there will be a major upgrade to the scanner and we all know what Ken Owen did with the initial scanner.

    Or maybe this is all a spin and Ken Owen was not killed at all and just went undercover to release the new version of the scanner?

  5. Mmmmmm to be honest I have always suspected Phillips, but as the one giving the order, not the one executing. But for what we know of him, he might as well have done it himself. And he can certainly use his "new" (not really new, by still) position in Niantic to cause the camera glitch ADA mentioned.
    Farlowe wanting Hank to back off from the investigation is weird, but I'm not sure if that makes him the killer straight away. I agree with Melissa that if Devra was not in danger, then he is most likely clean.
    855 is a likely suspect too since virtually anybody could have paid him.
    He is the most mercenary from the lot.
    Then we have Claudia. Even though I think it's strange she contacted Hank, I don't think it was her.
    Lorazon, Tsukasa and Smith strike me more as possible contractors than hitmen (women). At least for this one, regarding Lorazon and Smith.

    And Mario Valenzuela II​, I don't think this has nothing to do with justice. I think H. Richard Loeb​ and Hank Johnson​ are more worried (scared?) about the "who's next on the list". For that, the need to know whom the list belongs to.

  6. Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image.

  7. My head is saying Susana Moyer.
    But my gut wants to put the money on W. Smithers. ...😒

  8. I've been listening to the audiobook version of The Niantic Project by Felicia Hajra-Lee and thought I had a fair idea about some of the people who could have been involved.

    The Change of Address form that was found feels like something Philips would have received. Does anyone know what the current state of 855 is? The audiobook seemed to indicate that he was a very efficient assassin at one time. Finding the form seems a little sloppy if it was 855 as he didn't seem the type to leave any trails.

    We'll find out in time. I'm more than a little concerned about the phrase "first of series" as it could indicate that the assassin has other targets ahead.

  9. So far it is not clear who is the main suspect of that death, however, could be Philips by its practical methods to "solve" problems or differences, but there is nothing concrete so far.

  10. Not enough information for your known Assassins, That is why I think it is somebody else that done the dirty deed. I know that you to are very good investigators but I don't think you have all the facts yet.

  11. I say it was Phillips. He has a long history of this kind of business. I say that there is a very high chance that Avril Lorazon is the one who ordered the hit.

  12. I say Jay Phillips. NIA was afraid that Ken may leak scanner V2.0 to public. Scanner is already finished and Ken Owen has obtained copy of it the same way he got the original but did not manage to share it yet.

  13. Poor Ken, it’s an unfortunate event what happened to him.. maybe the cause of his assassination was that he knew too much and would leak some classified information about the interests of the killer

  14. 855 would be a good choice to someone contract for the murder because he has many identidies so it makes hard to discover the real murder who contracts him

  15. I suspect 855 pulled the trigger fulliling the contract

  16. I need to change my answer. 5 bullet holes in one body does not suggest a professional. This passion was either an amateur or someone extremely pissed at Owens, or both. My guess is it was none of your suspects. It was someone else

  17. Chapeau shuddered as though he had been stabbed.

    "Then . . . who then . . . is the murderer?" he asked in a breathless voice, unable to restrain himself.

    Hank Johnson sank back in his chair, as though he were amazed at the question.

    "Who is the murderer?" he repeated, as though unable to believe his ears. "You, Henri Richard Loeb! You are the murderer," he added, almost in a whisper, in a voice of genuine conviction.

    Chapeau leapt from the sofa, stood up for a few seconds and sat down again without uttering a word. His face twitched convulsively.

    "Your lip is twitching just as it did before," Johnson observed almost sympathetically. "You've been misunderstanding me, I think, Richard," he added after a brief pause, "that's why you are so surprised. I came on purpose to tell you everything and deal openly with you."

    "It was not I murdered him," Chapeau whispered like a frightened child caught in the act.

    "No, it was you, you, Richard Loeb, and no one else," Hank Johnson whispered sternly, with conviction.

  18. I'm just keeping the facts straight and now I'm almost 100% sure that Jay Phillips did kill Owen. I mean come on, he's known by his "personal way" to solve problems. And what about that conversation with Tsukaza? About "snakes" which had worked to him? That's at least strange...

  19. Suspeito que não seja ninguém da lista oferecida. É preciso ter mais dados para se obter uma conclusão real.


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