Felicia Hajra-Lee -- a sensitive visionary who in the past had offered detailed, insightful windows into hidden...

Felicia Hajra-Lee -- a sensitive visionary who in the past had offered detailed, insightful windows into hidden moments in the world of Ingress -- has emerged. Her latest vision: A prey. A hunter. A murder in Washington.


  1. So it sounds like A Detection Algorithm​​​ is up to her old tricks again to me and using 855 to do it, like she hadn't damaged him enough already #murderbot

  2. Missing: The remaining three bullet holes.

    If the murderer is 855, even if he shoots two shots, both should be hit.

    Who made more bullet holes to Owen?

  3. I'm wondering if Ada truly is involved.
    If she is not connected to 855, like she promised H. Richard Loeb​, then could it be something +Henry bowles did? He could have 855 believing that A Detection Algorithm​ is assisting him, when she really isn't

  4. Felicia come back in a good moment to help solve this crime!


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