A contact forwarded this to me.
A contact forwarded this to me... it's from a small private wire service for heavyweight investors in East Asia. Make of it what you will...
So Calvin is back to running IQ-Tech. It was going to happen eventually. But Lorazon leaving, that was unexpected. I did figure if this did happen, Lorazon would go over to Hulong. Work with something you know.
ReplyDeleteCalvin Is putting himself in a dangerous place. With him now running IQ-Tech, a hit order can easily be placed on him. Lorazon, maybe he did it for safety.
A ripple from Ken Owens's death?
ReplyDeleteThis is a corporation game. We also know Lorazon was close to Visur Technology. They worked together with Pevtsov on Omnivore. Owen was aware of that but he did not spill the information at that time. Maybe Owen wanted to reveal Lorazon and Pevtsov now? Is this why is dead? I think Lorazon was never IQTech Visur or now Hulong guy. I think he is a White House guy. He is on the paygrade with the likes oh Joanna Brandt and Shawn Henson. He is more important and dangerous than corporations realize.