What is in #TheMindPalace?

What is in #TheMindPalace?


  1. It amazes me how the Sequence she gave us for the journal is so fitting to what she planned to do... This video gives me shivers down my spine.

  2. You know, I'm going to do something out of left field.

    I' m calling dibs on playing the Visionary! That way I can play as Daemon Ultimathule (Daemon_Tecthulhu) in the game and cause some kind of spacial distortion as result of the EssexRPEs ingressing into a NIA ran game.. #viaObscuraIsReal

  3. Oh my. That video gave me little froggy goosebumps. She really is back..

  4. The poem Misty is quoting is The Old Astronomer by Sarah Williams.

  5. It seems to be unclear who the speaker in the poem is, but viewed within this context, could it be an exogenous entity speaking?


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