Some days ago, I shared a rumor that Misty Hannah may currently be somewhere in Australia.

Some days ago, I shared a rumor that Misty Hannah may currently be somewhere in Australia. It seems the rumor may have had some credence to it. Hank Johnson reveals his concerns -- and why he is headed to the upcoming Anomaly in Brisbane...


  1. At his heart Hank Johnson​ is a conservative. Misty Hannah​ is an activist. I'm not sure I trust Misty Hannah​ (I don't trust anyone, including myself), but I prefer advancing somewhere to staying in the same place.

  2. Hank Johnson​ has shown his conservative nature since the period before shonin... or even before that. I agree with you Raanan Avidor​. But I'm not sure I would prefer the direction Misty Hannah​ is taking either. I won't know until I know for real... but yes. Stagnation is never good, but you can choose so many direction to move to and I wouldn't say they are all necessarily better by default

  3. I think I may know where this is going. Do understand I am not a specialist on the topic.

    As per wikipedia:
    Within the animist belief system of Indigenous Australians, a songline, also called dreaming track, is one of the paths across the land (or sometimes the sky) which mark the route followed by localised "creator-beings" during the Dreamtime. The paths of the songlines are recorded in traditional songs, stories, dance, and painting.

    A knowledgeable person is able to navigate across the land by repeating the words of the song, which describe the location of landmarks, waterholes, and other natural phenomena. In some cases, the paths of the creator-beings are said to be evident from their marks, or petrosomatoglyphs, on the land, such as large depressions in the land which are said to be their footprints.

    What if these creator-beings were the "shapers?"

    What if this ancient way of navigating the land would bring Misty Hannah to certain portals that could help her understand the possible veracity of these "creator-beings?"

  4. To use method of loci or mind palace one needs 2 things.

    1. To be familiar with the physical area and its features. For example remebering portals and their location in the familiar area. The set up of the portal network in ORW may be the way how Shapers try to influence our memory, the way we remeber, the way we think.

    2. To be able to asociate things you want to remeber (say deck of cards) to the objects you know very well (portals in your area)

    The most difficult part of mind palace method is 2. To increase association ability, usage of Dark XM may be tempting. To trickster like Misty Hannah this ability may be very important. Many of the card tricks are based on mind palace method.

  5. To add to what Jozef Zubricky has said, perhaps Misty Hannah is trying to explore these ancient indigenous Australian "Mind Palaces" with the help of Dark XM. Perhaps she is after new information that these ancient indigenous Australian "Mind Palaces" could reveal.

    What I find interesting is how the scientists Molyneaux and Vitebsky note that the Dreaming Spirits "also deposited the spirits of unborn children and determined the forms of human society," thereby establishing tribal law and totemic paradigms.

    Molyneaux, Brian Leigh; Vitebsky, Piers (2001). Sacred Earth, Sacred Stones: Spiritual Sites And Landscapes, Ancient Alignments, Earth Energy. London: Duncan Baird. p. 30. ISBN 1-903296-07-2.

  6. Australia was where Hulong Transglobal or at least Smith was trying to get rid of Devra and Hubert. - The Angel of Death

  7. And where Hulong with its Strategic Exploration mercs and Antoine Smith has it's hands on, usually Chaotic Matter is involved.

    The Hulong Conspiracy I

    The Hulong Conspiracy II

    The Hulong Conspiracy III


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