This is the second item that Misty helped uncover in San Diego yesterday... A sixth Tycho poster.

This is the second item that Misty helped uncover in San Diego yesterday... A sixth Tycho poster.


  1. Text at the bottom: "The troubles of the world never stop chasing you. No matter how far you run. Trust me, I've tried to my whole life. You can, however, set traps for them." - Investigate: Ingress

  2. Martin Veneroso Thanks for the decripting.

    A link to the events of Misty Hannah, who thought she was going to flee from her daemons, was the best tactic, and Jahan, who in her palace had prepared her - and her family before her - countless traps to protect what was harvested and guarded over time

    Cross-references everywhere.

    Plus, what do we think of the watermark that seems to be the exact silhouette of Moyer Techthulhu, reversed below, and that, in this perspective, has all the air to be an entrance to an industrial installation or, in any case, some kind control harbor dashboard?

  3. Daeniem Loidlan​ since Tycho is a tecthulhu, I suspect that he did a self portrait in this poster.

  4. Scopas? As in the Greek Sculptor? And one of the designers of the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus?

  5. Scopas was one of the builders of - Mausoleum at Halicarnassus - Wikipedia.

    It should be noted that Pliny the Elder wrote about it.

  6. Mario Valenzuela II I was trying to read the image from the same optics.

    Could you like to represent that "inverted" image of the TechThulhu of OLW, to which we are used, the original produced by Dr. Moyer? So how Tycho's "experience" as techthulhu looks at something earlier than Oliver's?

    Arvs Pacoma; Mario Valenzuela II well, from what I know, not one of the architects, but one of the decorators.
    Skopas's work at the Mausoleum of Alicarnasso was to decorate one of the exterior walls of the structure

  7. Daeniem Loidlan​, in the image's orientation, it looked like a person is standing at its base it to me.

  8. Mario Valenzuela II aye, i agree. Seems to be a man, with a mountain backpack and a walking rod in the right hand.

  9. Wow. I never expected a sixth poster. This one is very different. The green coming off of the ship... an Enlightened Portal?

  10. Ruin of Scopas... It's the tale of Simonides, about the art of memory

  11. Boris Rux​ intresting. Can you provide any reference about this?

  12. Boris Rux Really thanks a lot.
    Is an important resource to share.

  13. Hint: There is something written in the green glow on the water...

  14. There are also an episoln and an eta on the mapline of San Diego.

  15. Reflection on water from the 'portal' on boat is not a reflection. Image has been shadowed and turned 180° but not reflected. Suppose means nothing but it's that.

    Unless portal goes through the boat underwater.

  16. it is interesting the numbering system did not go to 6 of 6 but 6 of 5 - why that numbering system? Also - the flag on the ship - is it the right configuration for the timing if the ship is the Niantic? And how many figures are on the ship, 3? Are they original ship crew or meant to be figures from this time frame?

  17. Hmm. Strange. Nice work finding this. It makes me wonder how many more are out there. But why is this 6of5? Seems odd. It appears there is a Portal onboard the ship, or is it an Anomalous Zone? What are the possibilities that this ship is the Niantic?
    Is that Oliver Lynton-Wolfe's Techthulu in the right side of the image?

  18. Are you a dumbass?. .. There are so many questions out there. And some may even matter....


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