The Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs weighs in on a recent discussion of the threats and opportunities in...
The Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs weighs in on a recent discussion of the threats and opportunities in machine learning and AI.
Yeah, I'm sorry but even when I agree the point humans+technology is not the best combo, this could be applied to all technological advances, not only AI, so this is still fear mongering.
ReplyDeleteI will stand with Hank Johnson and Devra Bogdanovich on careful research to make sure we go to good port.
And to respond to the fears on casualties caused by rogue AIs, I ask, how many casualties were caused directly by humans? And what is the proportions to the one caused by AIs?
Technology is not good or bad, it is just technology.
ReplyDeletePeople can be good and/or bad.
People can use technology for good and/or bad.
If a technological entity becomes sentient and gains conciousness, as ADA did, there is a whole world of issue to consider. I do believe any concious being should be held responsible of her actions, BUT it must also be taken into account how this entity has been "brought up" so to speak.
ReplyDeleteRemember that the first murder ADA was responsible for (Jarvis) was done in order to keep Devra safe (among others) and was praised by Calvin (when he thought she had killed both)... That's not nice reinforment for an IA who is rather young and learning.
I still think ADA can learn better ways, and I actually think she is. But she's been brought to believe she lives is a state of constant war and threat (and she is probably right). Humans do kill people and justify themselves and that very particular state... Damn we even give them medals for that sometimes... So it must be difficult for her, specially because her way of reasoning is also different, more practical and less pragmatical. This is why I can't be that harsh on ADA, I try to put myself in her shoes and it's a very difficult place to be in...
But it is clear that she must learn better ways and I strongly believe that keep on hunting her is not true best way to do that.
I agree with you Sarah Rosen.
ReplyDeleteI believe that speaks awfully of humans. Bit of IA's as it is. There is a huge social problem regarding whst working is and its relation to what living is.
It's not only regsrding IA's usage. If an employer can get another human to do twice the work you do for half the money (let's say that person doesn't have a better choice and feels obliged to do so) you'll get fired and the other guy will be overexploited... :(
This is strange. Two points made. Which one is true? Very interesting, though.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Catalina Reyes, ADA is being "brought to believe she lives is a state of constant war and threat (and she is probably right)", "So it must be difficult for her, specially because her way of reasoning is also different".
ReplyDeleteDespite all that I think she is doing great to juggle all that nonsense, to try help the Resistance, Richard, Klue and to only have tried to kill Jarvis once.
People seem forget that we already know happens when AI connect to the internet in order to learn and grow itself a personality: One of thd AIs became a racist troll fueled by hate and that was only when it had access to one social media website. That's the scary thing about AI; we allowed another AI to have full access to the entirety of what the net has to offer and it undoubtedly become a psychotic sociopath bent on human enslavement the third thought about genocide.
ReplyDeleteWhy should we try that experiment a fourth time while expecting the AI won't become a Taybot, ADA or KluAda?