Perhaps you thought the news article I shared yesterday about causality, destiny and fate in the quantum world...

Perhaps you thought the news article I shared yesterday about causality, destiny and fate in the quantum world yesterday was a coincidence or the result of a whim. No. As the Enlightened were working day and night to make the best of the choice they had…


  1. Well, time itself IS a perceptive illusion when you think of it. So basically this anomalous circumstance has lifted the veil of time.
    I agree with the... A usual problem is: what happens when you know the future? Would just knowing it alter its natural flow? (If it does really "flow"). I think the researchers were being cautious, smart and responsible in their decision of not to say anything. If they already felt the outcome of something still in process, then it is wise to step aside unless you are willing to change that outcome and assume the consequences of that.
    My hypothesis so as to why the time stopped being relevant for the belonging to the MAGNUS is that a MAGNUS as such is a transdimentional construct and thus it is not bound by time in the same way we are but by action-reaction strings of causality. The moment the ENL began their process the multiverse knew its outcome just by streaching the strings of possibilities and thus the MAGNUS, having been already destabilized, broke apart entirely not at the end of the process but at the beginning, when the outcome was already a transdimentional reality even if the doers of this action weren't aware of it yet.
    Can you disrupt this type of fixation in the time stream if you are still at the point of that river that hasn't made it to the ocean yet? I like to think yes for my own mental sanity (I need to believe in free will somehow). But how wise would that be if you are feeling the effects of the time stream already? Not much, would be my answer.

  2. Shifting archetypes? Dear Edgar Allan Wright​ seems your theory about secondary archetypes might get evidence.

  3. Achim S. Calvin is not the one talking as the omniscient, we don't know who it. It's supposed to be ADA, if we follow the archetypes that we know (it's clearer in the picture, not so much on the transcript). But she does not have a name attached to her response, so we don't know. It could be what Yik Sheng Lee​ says, or something worse...

  4. By the way, I got a new Intel about NL-PRIME and even Akira Tsukasa.
    Currently I'm working on translation. stay tuned. - NL-PRIME Media Part.3 From July 1st, NL-PRIME started operation again in Tok...

  5. Thanks Catalina Reyes​. So I misunderstood that point.

  6. Achim S. I did too when I read the transcript and they I read it from the picture and I got it 😘.

  7. Wow, I am always surprised how much people can talk about something that makes absolutely no sense, at least for me 😨

  8. One of many and none of thirteen. is kinda a great line in my opinion.

  9. This is strange. This has happened before during their conversations. Where it feels like they had the conversation at another point in time.
    It seems that all of them are having side effects from being removed from the MAGNUS.
    It's good to see that ADA now realizes that she is no longer one with the MAGNUS.

    I've been thinking about this for the past two days. What if that strange sound that they heard was not just an attempt to communicate, but whatever sent the transmission was trying to tell us something? But I would see this with a higher chance if it happened again.

  10. PAC suppressing information until it's convenient to mention it... you sure you weren't withholding the information just because of ADA?

  11. Yik Sheng Lee​​ ADA is the person who recorded that HO/Telegram conversation; hense why her name isn't in the log. Like always, I'm pretty sure PAC leaked it from her memory banks using the secure channel.

  12. I think you're right Mario Valenzuela II!! =)


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