Our recent experiments and learnings in Remote Participation have caused me to rethink many things I have always...

Our recent experiments and learnings in Remote Participation have caused me to rethink many things I have always taken for granted... not only about the nature of cause and effect in this entangled quantum world of ours, but about our own power to…


  1. In bural after city south, Moga, after police post bakhtgarh village, Distt barnala

  2. H. Richard Loeb - the question that needs to be answered before we can answer your questions is do we have free will? Can we really choose between the red door and the green one? What part of us is from outside the physical universe, that is not determined by the laws of physics. Do we have a divine soul? I think not...

  3. I recommend the following videos, they explain this concept quite well: https://youtu.be/YycAzdtUIko

    Basically, the relation between events is not what cause causality, but causality is the reason those events are related,

  4. Two long articles in just two days! Gosh, as interesting as they are, you are surely making it hard for daily translators of local communities to keep up the work! =P

  5. H. Richard Loeb, Right now I think we have many more questions then we have answers. But in contrary to your question, It is up to where you draw the line.

  6. You definately shouldn't read some of the logs from the essex RPE sessions then... If so, you will ask yourself if the Quantuum dice/dominos/coins we are playing with are more like atomic bombs...

  7. H. Richard Loeb

    Just as Yik Sheng Lee, I believe there are quantum correlations between things.

    Although, I feel that uncertainty in quantum interaction is less effective than what he proposed.
    It is true, given the result of events that are very different from what we all expected, we might be led to believe that the principle of indeterminacy, or entropy immanent in things, has a greater weight than the cause and effect relationships we traditionally know and we can perceive it.

    Yet, knowing that, even at a distance of whole galaxies, they react in agreement when one of the two "twins" of the tied pair is stimulated, is something that should not - in my opinion - fall into the sphere of entropy action.
    The two are separate and different principles, which can at the same time act on events.

    In conclusion, I believe that quantum correlations can easily explain how through human portalnetwor we come to interact with exogenous entities and forces, aliens of our universe and "native" of a somewhere that we can not - yet - probe, no less, through the fundamental action of indeterminacy, we have the real power to exercise our will by manifesting real alterations of the world around us, from the most trivial, such as the application of force to objects, or the modification of the landscape around us, to the more complex - to force or plagiarize the modification of feelings and moods in other people - to the more articulated, involving the fields of faith, to perpetuating true miracles - that could be nothing less than the manifestation on the plan of the real will so concentrated to modify the tangible's sphere.

  8. I have to agree with Mario Valenzuela II​... Last session left me feeling a little worrisome about our involvement in the remote participations....

  9. We have the capability to change many things our only set back is whether or not we believe it can happen... I completely believe we can affect the reality of our worlds because I've seen it happen in Navarro.. We didn't know what we were doing was truly going to affect our world as it did but it became obvious it had...

    To me this isn't a question. We have all been capable of changing so many things in our realities and have created new ones that have greatly changed the world around us. Look at authors and artists. Dreamers and Spiritualist....

    We change our worlds daily with our thoughts... Some times more than others.

  10. Ishira Tsubasa​ i won't argue with you about your point. There are countless parallel realities which we travel through during every moment of each day, and many more which we are incapable of experiencing because we switched realities too many times for us to truly experience those distant realities within this life-time. The true question on should ask themselves becomes Is what we are experiencing truly what we desire, and if not then how do we align ourselves with that which we desire?


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