Not sure how I missed this.

Not sure how I missed this. The artist who created the sketch that inspired the #13MAGNUSReawakens camp, 'The Luminescent Heart,' created this work of art...


  1. Sugashna Govender​​ Was the perfect artist to channel Humanist art. She is full of so much love, humility, and empathy. Thank you again for including me in your lovely piece!


  2. She looks like Elsa in Frozen. Glyphs, Shapers, Nzeer, Techtruhu, XM. Just let them go.

  3. H. Richard Loeb I have a small question about your teacher's lesson.

    In reading your words, my study of Greek philosophers, and particularly of Socrates, and his "good demon" came back to my mind.
    In the same way as your teacher, the philosopher also argued that he had a εὖδαίμων that pushed him and helped him to do the companies that would engage him.

    Can this past lesson be something like what they taught you at the time?

  4. H. Richard Loeb​​ you are correct. Tycho C.​ has inspired me during my early days of Ingress, not long after I opened my scanner for the first time 3 years ago. Artists.. tend to tell stories through their work. Sometimes, it's the only way to explain what words cannot.

    I believe your teacher saw things similar to me: We wait for something to move us... its known as the spirit, the motivation, the passion... The techtchulu, the XM?
    It's a confusing emotion to explain if it's an emotion at all: it touches you and guides your hands to do the extraordinary. It gives you a "knowing" for your blank canvas... like instructions. I wonder if Tycho has the same callings as me; does he see it in his dreams and nightmares that fill his mind with unbelievable information that's drives you to the verge to express it with your entire being?

    I don't know how to explain whether Tycho has guided me but he had pulled at my own spirit in my early days when I had first discovered XM around me.
    Could it be that his art was a calling back then as similar as the luminescent projects could have now been a calling to him?

  5. It was an honor and joy to bring Sigyn's vision to life.

    More than that, the #luminescentheart still seeks to influence a humanist touch to the newly emerging Magnus. Pieces of our Tecthulhu and portal built in Navarro will be distributed throughout the world at #13MAGNUSReawakens anomaly sites in hopes that the concentrated amounts of XM we were able to gather will help positively influence the outcome.

  6. Liberty Naud​​ seeing the missions that's still being processed through the #Luminescentheart till today, it makes me wonder what influence it could have on the #13MagnusReawakens... will it inspire more dreams? Could it call out to Tycho C.​? The heart inspired me in the most positive way, I look forward to what positive changes it will bring in the future.

  7. Wow. This certainly is amazing! It makes so much sense now.


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