I'm told, by a friend of the Investigation who was able to attend Misty Hannah's magic show in Los Angeles earlier...

I'm told, by a friend of the Investigation who was able to attend Misty Hannah's magic show in Los Angeles earlier today, that Misty ended the show with this poem...


  1. he more I look into Tycho Brahe and his life and who his students were, the more I have come to think that this poem is not from his perspective.
    I believe the narrator of The Astronomer is Johannes Kepler speaking to a student that may be trying too hard. "reach me down Tycho Brahe" is an idiom for someone who is trying to be like Tycho Brahe but just can't quite make the grade.
    "I would know him when we meet" this just reinforces that the person he is looking at cannot compare to Tycho Brahe. The rest seems to reinforce this thought.
    Now to just figure out why Sarah Williams would write a poem about Kepler

  2. Yik Sheng Lee​ it's possible. It would explain the nose ;p

  3. Johannes Kepler was a pupil of Tycho de Brahe in the court of Emperor Rudolf II in Prague. Rudolf II was employing scientists and alchemist in his pursuit to build the Philosopher's stone. By the time Tycho de Brahe and Johannes Kepler were in Prague, Rabi Loew who also haf contact with Rudolf II, was trying to bring to life a robot from clay, The Golem. The powerful machine. According to legend he succeded. Was Tycho de Brahe more connected than we know to the Golem legend? Or his pupil Kepler? Is this machine somehow connected to exogenous technology and Tecthulhu? en.wikipedia.org - Golem - Wikipedia

  4. Wow. Very interesting. I can understand why Misty chose this poem.


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