Hank makes contact with Misty.

Hank makes contact with Misty... It's unclear what they talked about it, but whatever it is, it appears to have shaken him...


  1. Hank Johnson​ wanting Devra to remake the virus!!?? Wait what???
    Oh my! Whatever Misty said must've been quite terrifying.
    Hank has been quite a believer in the goodness of XM concentration and portals in spite of several bad situations that have taken place around them. So I'm not sure I want to even think what Misty has told him... For now.
    It breaks my heart to be read Devra so apathic and tired of it all, but I can't say I blame her... :'(
    I hope she finds her spirit again... Somehow...

  2. I wonder when this conversation took place. I would've thought that Devra's shadows would be lifted from her a bit by not being a simulacrum anymore. But here her shadows just seem to be even darker than ever. I'm kind of too worry about both character to think of the true meaning of all this. But still. Maybe they need Tycho C.​ either to clarify some of his visiones (maybe they have intel of some we haven't seen yet) or to see if he can channel some new ones to shed light on present event.
    Buy why did Hank Johnson​ began listening for Misty just when it turns out she is having more visions? Did he had a gut feeling or some evidence about that happening?
    I think Tycho appeared on these visions and that's why Misty has been trying to locate him.

  3. Hank Johnson What you want to do is a very bad idea. Don't you remember what happened the last time Devra Bogdanovich created the Portal Virus? If that gets created again, or should I say happens again, something could go very wrong. And that would not be good. Also, remember the way Deva was after that?

    Can you share anything about you being in contact with Misty Hannah? Why? Also, what is the reason that she is trying to contact/track down Tycho C.?

  4. As much as I disliked/hated the virus, a lessend dose could be used in some areas and an that might send the flow to another area indusing an anomaly to summen tycho to that spot

  5. The most interesting thing about this discussion is not the risk that Devra might re-invent the portal virus (who got her research at the CDC, anyway?), nor even that Hank Johnson might be worried about extinction level events (recall his study of the ebb and flow of XM and its correlation with the rise and fall of empires).

    It's this exchange:

    "Why do we want to know the future?"
    "So we can edit it... if we need to"

    To Hank Johnson, the future is not a potential -- it has already happened. The moving finger has already writ on the years and centuries to come -- and any changes we can do are edits to a pre-existing structure.

    en.wikipedia.org - Eternalism (philosophy of time) - Wikipedia

  6. Brandon Downey yes. He surely got his idea from the Magnus getting the feeling of being liberated even before it actually happened. I guess that's why it didn't really surprise me this time. But I think that + Misty's vision will have a strong effect on him. I see positivism in his belief that they can actually edit the future anyway (very worthy of Hank's). But yes. When you stop to think about it, it IS actually scary...

  7. Hmm. Not too sure what to make of this conversation....

  8. I also think as Brandon Downey that the message is more about the future and Devra Bogdanovich virus is only one possible way Hank Johnson is thinking a about "changing" future. I think Yik Sheng Lee is right, there seems to be a danger coming to the humanity something similar that Carrie Campbell foresaw. That is why even Hank Johnson is interested.

    I think this has to do with dismantling of Niantic Magnus. There is no balance there anymore. Some blocks may have fallen down, and humanity is in danger. Maybe Roland Jarvis (still remaining in a Magnus) is the key, that is why Devra Bogdanovich virus is questioned again. Tycho C. And Misty Hannah are looked due to their "oracle" abilities. Hank Johnson is trying to figure out the prophecy and if this can be changed.


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