Hank Johnson shares some troubling news that Jahan passed his way.

Hank Johnson shares some troubling news that Jahan passed his way... a Remote Participation enabled theft attempt on the Anti-Magnus Prime Artifact archives.


  1. This is some unnerving news. I thought Remote Participation could only be so effective if it was carried out under VERY special circumstances (such as Navarro's) and that those would be very difficult to replicate. I thought that was why the attempts reported by Jay Phillips had managed to only "spy" on events rather that really interfering (however troublesome that was as well).
    I think you are wise not to escalate things to that level. Playing around interfering with at a quantum level with the fabric of the world shouldn't be taken lightly.
    I wonder who might this team be...

    I would go and take a look at Azmati's treasury if I were you, Hank Johnson​, just to be safe (or do you think Jahan is lying to you and she pretends to follow you to be able to find them?)

  2. Hrmmm I wonder who the other team is, or person. It's possible the reason the Remote Participation Events are working as they are is because people involved in Navarro are running them. Kosh TheRipper​, our dm and Patron, was part of a team even if he wasn't on site.... Mario Valenzuela II​ and I were both on site... Everyone involved worked hard to gather the information we have and that all required getting involved with people that were at Navarro to get the information we needed to run the events.

  3. Ishira Tsubasa​ But we have a rule about NOT messing up with the current ingress (not only niantic) investigators for this very reason. XP... We are not THAT unconscious... Right??? (Right?!?!).
    I would point my fingers at Jay Smith and Shaw Henson faster.
    But Yik is right, the other companies can totally be trying to get their hands into this as well. The potential is horribly tremendous!!!

  4. We did mess with some sort of Artifact last time though.... Yes our rule is not to mess with the researchers and such and to explore more of how XM has affected the areas around us and old things we thought were just lore.... Now I'm not so sure.....

  5. Thinking on it there has been things each round, but I don't think they were stolen.... Or at least I didn't believe they were. Now I'm wondering how they were obtained

  6. This is very bad news. If the wrong person gets their hands on those archives or any of the Artifacts them selves, it would be very bad. Both of you must be very cautious. Depending on how these people are, they could go to any means necessary to get those Archives.

  7. So.. PAC are you suggesting that that becomes our next session?

  8. I don't think so... Hahaha and I think Hank Johnson​ is suggesting the opposite xD

  9. Hank Johnson​​ H. Richard Loeb​​ so, here's an interesting question:

    How can you tell the difference between when someone is trying to raid an anomalous zone physically and when they are doing it via RPE? Does the intruders look like ghosts?

    Also why do you guys sound like Jack Chick?

  10. Here is a random thought:

    What if, this "intrusion" wasn't something that was ran by a known XM based organization? What if, this RIP incident was actually conducted by GM who envisioned a cool looking "dungeon" filled with artifacts from an ancient civilization and created an adventure for an RPG based on that location?


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