Hank Johnson leaves India and begins another journey -- he intends to visit each of the locations Tycho portrayed in...

Hank Johnson leaves India and begins another journey -- he intends to visit each of the locations Tycho portrayed in the five 'Visions' that were discovered at Comic-Con 2012.


  1. I visited three of the five locations so far.

  2. Jahan might have had the pick of terrain and the advantage of centuries of preparation when defending the anti-magnus artifacts however when it comes to prime artifacts and archeology surely Hank would out class her by a wide margin?

    These RIP teams sound dangerous, the TLA itself seems ominous. I wonder in whose account these teams were engaged.

  3. I find it most intriguing that Hank wants to go to those places again... Why now? If he thinks he had missed something... Would that still be there after 5 years? It must be something about the sites themselves then, something permanently. Or maybe he is just looking for inspiration, a mind trigger, you might say. I can't wait to see how that unfolds.
    Hank didn't say how is he going to travel. Will it be the traditional way or will he attempt Remote Viewing?
    So... The season of the Trickster? That has to be full of surprises, but also full of learning and revelations. I cannot but think about Loki giving the fishnet to humans so they can fish in harsh conditions, or Lugh standing as a jack-of-all-trades among the Tuatha de Danann, or Coyote and Prometheus stilling fire from the gods to give it to mankind... Let's hope we make the best out of whatever such a powerful season teaches us.

  4. Be careful Hank... You have quite a task ahead of you. How much has Jahan told you, about the Archives, and what power those Prime Objects may hold?
    What Jahan said about Misty, could be true. We know she is resurfacing. But about Jarvis... That could be bad. I have had a feeling for a while that he has been among us, but as something else. A trans dimensional being of sorts.

    This strange and dangerous time will end one of two ways... Let's hope for the best.

  5. I think you've made a mistake Mariah Lyn​. The possibilities are endless.

  6. Quantum Effect Yes. You are right, I was wrong on that. But for now, we must look at the most probable possibilities.

  7. I think the danger lies in unbalnced Magnus. Roland Jarvis is the medium of exogenous signals that are comming in the last couple weeks. That may be the reason why even Hank Johnson seeks portal virus again. He is aware of this danger disregard of his alligmrnt. The Prime Objects may be the key to this influence. Hank Johnson realized they need to be protected.


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